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Q Exchange

Hearing those seldom heard – improving access to the complaints process

Making a complaint about NHS care is difficult. By offering a digital solution we want to make it easier for people to share their story and hear those seldom heard.

Read comments 14 Project updates 2
  • Winning idea
  • 2022

Meet the team


  • Gill Bailey - service user representative
  • Elaine Roberts - service user representative
  • Anastasia Lungu-Mulenga
  • Ophelia Watson
  • Aishea Buckle
  • Drew Bradley
  • Lorna Thomas
  • Kevin Borrett

What is the challenge your project is going to address and how does it connect to the theme?

We all know it is notoriously difficult to make a complaint about  the NHS; it’s also a really emotionally challenging thing to do. People who use our community and mental health services have asked us to work with them to make it easier to raise a concern, and  to see how the review of their complaint is going.

Young people with complex physical and/or mental health needs and people from minority ethnic groups experience greater health inequalities than many others. The way we currently ask them to make a complaint puts them off sharing their experience, limiting our learning and opportunities for improvement. We need their specific feedback to improve our services and help improve health equity.

They have told us  that an additional digital option, for example a web based portal, would encourage them to share their experiences and would let enable them to see progress in real time.

What does your project aim to achieve?

The overall aim of the project is to improve access to the process for making a complaint and improve transparency of the review progress  by the development and provision of a digital solution, to supplement the current offer.

The objectives are:

1.       To develop or procure a digital solution in partnership with people from our local communities which allows easy access for people to raise a concern.

2.       To improve access for people from seldom heard communities who are currently underrepresented in those we receive complaints from.

3.       Enable more effective and timely communication with the person who has raised a concern, either self-facilitated by personal log ins, or by ensuring one single point of access for information and progress updates.

4.       Improve our understanding of the experience of care of using services from a broader range of our community, supporting our ambition to reduce health inequalities by facilitating learning and service improvement.

How will the project be delivered?

We will use our established approach of people participation in engagement and improvement.

  1. The project will be based on feedback from people who use our services, ensuring improvements are based on what matters most to them.
  2. The project will be delivered using the principles of cocreation; with patients, families, carers and members of the local community being active partners with Trust teams in project design, delivery and evaluation.
  3. An already established community led complaints improvement group will provide oversight and shape the development of this digital solution, ensuring the focus is on improvements identified by people who use our services.
  4. The Trust Complaints and PALS Team will drive the practical application and testing.
  5. Technical digital support will be provided by the Clinical Nursing Information Officer.
  6. Evaluation will be supported the Solent Academy of Research and Improvement, who have extensive expertise in QI, rapid evaluation and people participation in improvement.

How is your project going to share learning?

  1. We will share the learning through the national Head of Patient Experience Network, the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman national complaints standards framework group, the ICS Community Involvement Network,  and national community engagement and PPI networks.
  2. We will develop a blog – ‘How is it going’ – to provide updates on progress, seeking input from wider audiences to inform and shape the project and test out concepts and tools. This will be posted in the Q Community and the Solent Academy sites.
  3. Our community partners will share with their community groups networks, enabling reach to some of those seldom heard groups we wish this project to support specifically.
  4. We will publish and present at local and national forums.

How you can contribute

  • Shared learning
  • Would be pleased to hear from other how have successfully used web based platform to improve access for people who use services, particularly those suitable for people with additional access needs.
  • Ideas development
  • Feedback on proposal and any other ideas people may have to support!
  • Sharing the idea across social media platforms you use, asking for partners to read and feedback

Plan timeline

31 Mar 2022 Phase 2 complete - full evaluation, report and initial sharing.
23 Jun 2022 Project management group; detailed planning and output measures agreed.
15 Jul 2022 Community conversation 1: solution specification requirements from people who use services
16 Aug 2022 Community conversation 2: solution specification from people who use services
1 Sep 2022 Specification finalised; options proposal and agreement with service users; procurement
1 Oct 2022 Phase 1 Pilot starts and continuous evaluation
1 Nov 2022 Phase 1 - initial evaluation feedback and amendments
1 Dec 2022 Phase 1 continues
19 Jan 2023 Phase 1 review
8 Feb 2023 Phase 2 commence with amended tool

Project updates

  • 3 Feb 2023

    The brief

    The Solent NHS Q Exchange project started in summer 2022 with a view to creating a digital solution to help increase the ways in which we can gather feedback from our communities particularly some of our seldom heard from groups within our community.

    We know that our existing methods for gathering feedback from our communities do not work for all our communities for example we know that parts of our minority ethnic communities rarely use our standard feedback facilities such as the Family and Friends Test or the Patient Advice and Liaison (PALS) & Complaints Service.

    Our ambition is to develop a digital solution that will provide people with further opportunity to provide us feedback. Our objectives are detailed below:

    1.      To develop a digital solution in partnership with people from our local communities which allows easy access for people to raise a concern.

    2.      To improve access for people from seldom heard communities who are currently underrepresented in those we receive complaints from.

    3.      Enable more effective and timely communication with the person who has raised a concern, either self-facilitated by personal log ins, or by ensuring one single point of access for information and progress updates.

    4.      Improve our understanding of the experience of care of using services from a broader range of our community, supporting our ambition to reduce health inequalities by facilitating learning and service improvement.

    Progress Update

    Our working group

    We have set up a working group to drive this project forward. To ensure that our communities and people who use our services are at the heart of this work we included some of our community partners to be part of the working group.  Others on the working group include our IT colleagues, member from the Complaints and PALs team, representatives from some of our services and also members of the community enagement team.

    The role of the working group has been to consider and develop what the key components ot of the digital solution should be. The working group has met regulalry providing oversight to the project.

    Understanding our communities needs

    A key component in the development of this project has been the need to understand some of the challenges that may be preventing some of our communities from providing feedback and to also understand the sort of thing that would encourage them to provide us with feedback.

    We spoke to different community group with a focus on some of more seldom heard from groups. The groups that provided us feedback are:

    ·        A faith group made up of people primarily from minoritized communities – mixed ages;

    ·        3 different groups of teenagers

    ·        Black Heritage group made up of elderly members from minority ethnic

    ·        Group of mothers from minoritised ethnic group

    ·        A mother with a child with special educational needs and disabilities.

    ·        A group of young mothers (from primarily white back ground)

    Some key points raised by our communities in the conversations include;

    a)      The need to something that is easily accessible on their phone (i.e. an app or portal).

    b)     The solution should be available 24/7.

    c)      The solution should enable feedback to be logged without having to speak to a member of staff (although available if required or after case closed).

    d)     Users should be able to track the progress of their feedback within the same portal/app on their phone.

    e)     Easy read with prompts so as to ensure accessibility for people with a learning difficulty (no jargon).

    f)       A quick process.

    g)      Option for anonymity throughout the process.

    It was interesting to note that although focus of our conversations was seldom heard from groups all the communities told us similar messages and all agreed that many people use apps and the internet regularly and being able to do this whilst being assured of feedback would encourage them to provide feedback or to make a complaint if the need ever arose.

    We also gained feedback from staff about the project and discussed concerns and key questions that needed to be addressed such as:

    1)     Scope of the solution i.e. what type of feedback should this be used for? Complaints, feedback only etc.

    2)     What solutions have been used within Solent or across other Trusts?

    3)     How do we ensure the solution is used to compliment the current PALS & Complaints systems and help to reduce workload, not add further pressures?

    4)     Who would manage this solution on a daily basis?

    Feedback portal versus complaints portal

    When we started the project, we envisaged this being solely a complaints port. However, following our conversations at the working group and also conversations with our communities it became evident that we should broaden the digital solution to one that would also capture wider feedback.

    The Working group agreed that the system should be able to capture feedback not requiring follow up to allow for anonymity but also the full complaints process where necessary.  It would be managed by the PALS & Complaints team to ensure triage of each contact and the solution would be available for all to use and it was hoped that some of our underrepresented groups would also use the system.

    Developing the portal

    Using feedback from our community conversations both Community stakeholder and Internal stakeholder feedback over several sessions, we have devised a Requirements Specification list with priority categorisation covering 21 key points.  This will be used to ensure the expectations and needs of our communities are not lost whilst also ensuring the digital solution can integrate and function fully with the PALS & Complaints service, IT and processes.  See copy of this spreadsheet

    A large proportion of the project so far has been working with the PALS & Complaints team to map out clear processes for the current contact routes to give feedback and also how this should look following project completion.  This has been a challenging section of the project as the feedback and complaints processes are often complex with added elements or processes to consider such as: patient consent, PALS triage, feedback type resulting in varying levels of response type, auto-communications, service team inputs/meetings, re-opening case and case number referencing.  We now have developed a full process map detailing how the solution would link into our complaints process and allow users to interact with Solent, digitally, from beginning to end.  Please see fig 2 or for a fully viewable version, the attachments.

    Fig 2: Current process vs proposed digital solution processes

    Delays and Challenges

    The main challenges have been in trying to identify the best way to provide this digital solution.

    It was agreed early on in the project from Internal Stakeholder feedback that the solution should be able to integrate or communicate directly with our current Complaints Management System (Ulysses) or better still be developed within our current system.

    After exploration into this need, it has become clear that Ulysses does not have a suitable add-on function which could be developed so we are now looking at other IT providers who could develop this solution to communicate with Ulysses.

    The mapping of PALS & Complaints processes was also challenging due to the depth and bespoke aspects of this service.  It was felt that to get this right before moving forward would be key to the success of the project, so all members of the PALS & Complaints team have been involved in this process to ensure all feedback has been factored in, which inevitably took time.

    Next steps

    Our next steps will include horizon scanning of solutions that are currently available on digital frameworks. In addition to this we will be collaborating with our new IT providers to look at options that include the use of Robotic Process Automation to overcome some potential administrative barriers.

    How can the community get involved?

    Going forward, our community will be involved further by helping us to develop a prototype and testing of our digital solution so that we can determine if this will really be something to help us reach those community groups.  Further feedback will be gained here to help us make the solution fit for purpose against our original brief.


  1. Can your project please include people with disabilities, physical and sensory? I don’t believe ableism is being addressed in many sectors.

    1. Thanks Sarah, your plan covers a lot of ground on inclusion. I like the ABCD way of working for supporting community assets.

    2. Hello and thank you for your comment Alan. We have as part of our core project team people with a learning disability and have access to a network of community partners with physical disabilities, mental ill health and long term conditions as well as those that support them. You may be interested to have a look at our approach to working with local communities - our aim is to be as inclusive as possible.

  2. Fantastic project idea - really well explained and thought through, and it is evident you have service users at the heart of your improvement work. Best of luck with it!

  3. Hi! Your project looks really great, I would love to connect as we are exploring the implementation of a similar concept across our Integrated Care System partner organisations. We are working with Culture Shift, a tech for good company who until recently worked mostly with Universities across the UK. We are also working on improving access and enhancing our current processes to enable people to report and get support for inappropriate behaviours in the workplace (micro-incivilities, bullying and harassment). Looking forward to catching up!

    1. That’d be great. Really committed to the links between positive experience of Care and for those providing it.

  4. This is a great project, and any way to support people having their voices heard can help us learn and improve our services. This is also so important because we know we need to do better to provide accessible services for people from minority ethnic groups. I am really keen to hear more about and to support the voices of young people with health needs from a children and young people's services perspective.

  5. great idea and very well thought out


  6. Such an amazing opportunity to use an approach we are learning really leads to such rich conversations, ideas and amazing connections throughout our wonderful community and really hear what matters most.

  7. This is a really interesting project - supporting users to undersatnd what the process is and being invovled helps demystify and ensure expecations are met.  I think some complainants have a motivation which might not be best addressed by a complaint.  Co-desigining a process which best meets needs of all stakeholders is a real step change.

    One of our team has done some work on pt invovlemetn in complaints and would be pleased to share it

    1. Thanks Kate, it's would be great to hear what your team have been up to & share ideas & experiences

    2. Would be great to hear about your work. Thanks!

  8. Guest

    Faye Prestleton 14 Mar 2022

    Fantastic approach - very exciting. I wonder whether there would be space within the project to seek information about other existing models out there that might serve to inform what the project is looking to develop and perhaps help to inform the wider project? Look forward to hearing the outcome. Thanks

  9. Guest

    Dan Baylis 10 Mar 2022

    Really exciting project - critical to engage communities at all levels and to increase equitable access - not just to services themselves but also to have a voice (including complaints).

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