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John Harris

Head of Pharmacy, Glangwili General Hospital

Hywel Dda University Health Board

Image of 'John Harris
  • Hello!

    Andy here from Improvement Cymru, NHS Wales. 

    I am looking for some volunteers for the pilot study of my MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice. The topic is ‘whole system approaches’ and the perspectives of improvement practitioners. I am double checking what I can offer to reimburse people for their time in terms of a voucher. Could you…Read more

    • Hi Andy, I am very interested in your MSc study. meet your inclusion criteria and would be willing to be involved. Feel free to drop me a line. Thanks

      • Thanks Anita. I will drop you a DM at the beginning of next week.

        Have a great weekend


    • Hi, I am interested in your study and meet the inclusion criteria. Keen to know a bit more about what involvement would entail. Kind regards, Adrienne

      • Hi Adrienne,

        Thank you. It would be on microsoft teams, and the session would be recorded so I get the transcript . It’s a series of questions , which there isn’t a wrong answer. It’s related to what is in Welsh policy, which is why for the pilot study I can use people around the Uk, but for the main study , it will be improvement professionals…Read more

    • Hi
      I will try and help if I can – I work for the Health Services Safety Investigation Body as a Senior Safety Investigator. Let me know if I can help


    • I think Trish Greenhalgh’s NASSS framework is really useful in looking at the whole system and identifying why what seemed like a good idea fails in practice.


  • Andrew Ware posted an update in the group Q in Cymru / Wales 8 months, 1 week ago

    Happy New Year everyone! (It’s still January!)

    I hope you are all well? Any new year improvement resolutions ?

    I  want to finish the MSc in Systems I have been working on. Which reminds me,  I will be putting a call out for improvement practitioner volunteers to interview  in the coming weeks regarding ‘whole system approaches’, so if I can be…Read more

  • Look out for this event on 5 Feb at 12:30 -13:30

    How can we do environmentally sustainable health care?
    Join the Health Foundation for an update on their recent and future work on environmentally sustainable health care, and meet other members of the Q community.

    In this lunchtime event, Caitríona, Charly and Tom from the Health Foundation’s su…Read more

  • Happy New Year everyone!

    Any New Years resolutions regarding decarbonisation at home or in your organisation?

    • Happy New Year everyone

      Current dilemma at home over recycling old pillows which are past being used for donating as too floppy or pet bedding but may be compostable or suitable for wild birds to use for nesting, just checking that out! Raised awareness around when buying new pillows explore eco friendly versions. Think buying things and…Read more

    • Great point and scales to procurement in hospitals too.

  • Andrew Ware and Profile picture of Owen HughesOwen Hughes are now friends 9 months ago

  • Andrew Ware posted an update in the group Q in Cymru / Wales 9 months, 1 week ago

    Nadolig Llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda pawb!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New year everyone!

    I know some of you are working over the Christmas period; thank you for keeping everything going.

    Reflecting over the last year there have been sessions on HLS, work around Child and Young person Mental Health liaison, Cancer pathway improvement, rare…Read more

  • Happy Holidays and have a great New Year everyone!

    For those in Public Health Wales, the date has been set for 22nd January for the first gathering of the CoP.

    A registration link is on Yammer for internal PHW members, so please save the date!


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