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Dr Maureen Flynn (She/Her)

Director of Nursing, HSE Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Director, QPS Lead

Health Service Executive, Ireland

Image of 'Dr Maureen Flynn

Member's groups

  • Quality Management in Healthcare

    There is now a growing interest in Quality Management in healthcare.  This Special Interest Group will help those interested in learning about or implementing a Quality Management System (QMS).

    In Quality […]

  • Network Weaving

    A group space for people interested in learning about Network Weaving, and developing their skills.
  • Tools and resources to help support Networks and Network leaders

    Having access to a suite of resources and a dedicated space for learning and sharing with peers is immensely beneficial for Network Leaders. In the fast-paced and ever-evolving field of healthcare, staying informed and connected is crucial. A collaborative environment fosters not only professional growth but also innovation and creativity, which are key to improving healthcare systems and outcomes. By pooling our collective knowledge and experiences, we can co-create solutions that are both dynamic and value-driven.
  • Liberating Structures in healthcare

    This is a place to share tips, tricks, challenges, plans, ’strings’ and more around using ’Liberating Structures’ for health and care improvement.

    We also meet online on the first Thursday of each month (see […]

  • Professional Advocacy

    This is a space for Q members to connect on the successes, challenges, learning and opportunities around professional advocacy.

    Professional advocates are nurses and midwives who have been trained to deliver […]

  • Psychology for Improvement

    A fundamental principle of improvement science is to understand & influence human behaviour (Dr William Deming). Indeed, an understanding of the psychological factors underpinning human behaviour makes up one […]

  • Psychological Safety in Health and Social Care

    A group to help grow cultures where knowledge and innovation flourish because people feel safe to contribute their ideas – resulting in better clinical outcomes and staff wellbeing.

    The group is co-convened by St […]

  • Q Reading Club

    This group offers a space where members can continue their own professional development through a virtual book club. The idea is that a particular time period and place is identified for a discussion space about a […]

  • Videos & Podcasts

    Learn the basics of content creation: how to record, script, edit and post videos and podcasts. Not only that, but join other enthusiastic beginners and share your social media journey - together, we can make our knowledge engaging and easy to access.
  • Network mapping

    A group space to support anyone who is interested in mapping their networks. Q is currently piloting a new approach to mapping its network of improvers, using the tools SumApp and Kumu. We will also share our […]

  • Patient Safety Community (QPS Ireland)

    This closed group (invitation only) is co-convened by Catherine Hogan and Noemi Palacios.

    The purpose of this community is to create a supportive network for all staff working in quality and patient safety in […]

  • Sketchnote

    The Q Community includes many people who are realising that there are other ways to record what you learn at events – a more visual form of taking notes known as Sketchnotes.

    Join us as we explore the world of Q […]

  • Bridging Networks

    The ‘Bridging Network’ is a Special Interest Group for anyone interested in quality improvement across health and social care whether they are at the front line, in the board rooms, in the community or primary car […]

  • Philosophy and ethics for health care improvement

    This group is for people who are interested in discussing the fundamental purposes of health care improvement and some of the ethical issues that arise in planning, conducting or researching improvement. It is […]

  • Q Connectors

    A network for members who love connecting people and ideas across boundaries (and who can help push the boundaries of what’s possible for all of us in Q).

  • Mindfulness for Quality Improvement

    Mindfulness is a process of focussing on experiences in the current moment. Over the last decades, many mindfulness based techniques and programmes have been used to improve health, and in fact there is good […]

  • Network Weaving learning series

    A closed group space for participants taking part in the full Network Weaving learning series.
  • Communities of Practice

    The group aims to bring together people who are interested in setting up Communities of Practice, or have already set them up, to share their experiences and knowledge.

    This group was initiated by Cleo […]

  • Embedding Improvement in Systems

    A closed group space for participants taking part in our Embedding Improvement in Systems series.

    This group is convened by Darren Wright.