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‘Wellbeing during COVID: what have we learned?’ – with Simon Gill, Hilda Campbell and Julia Wood

A conversation about caring for the professional carers: finding the ideas and resources that support staff wellbeing during the pandemic together.

16 Jun 2020
13:00 – 14:00

Zoom video call - online/phone (all welcome) *1pm*

We recognise the challenges COVID-19 have created for individuals, communities and countries. Those working within healthcare have experienced the impact of COVID19 on others’ health, or – sadly – loss of life.

This wellbeing-focused Zoom aimed to create a safe space for us to explore ideas and thoughts around how the professional carers’ wellbeing can be supported. It was led by three leaders from Q community SIGs:

COVID-19 is an ongoing challenge for staff wellbeing and this is an opportunity to revisit how we share tips and ideas to let the health & care workforce know: ‘You matter too’.

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More information and resources from the webinar

This session follows a previous Zoom session – written up here: COVID-19: Safety-II in action (Zoom outcomes) – which found that more of the new adaptions people were keen to retain post-COVID related to Wellbeing than to any other area.


Simon Gill
Simon’s background is in risk, safety and resilience within the aviation industry. With a degree in engineering and a PhD in psychology, he has always sought a better way of developing products and services to put people at the centre, preventing error and managing risks to individuals and organisations. He now lectures on Safety Risk Management for City University, London and continues to research and implement these concepts in aviation.

Simon now adapts concepts of risk and resilience for critical infrastructure and specifically within a health and social care setting, training practitioners, developing policies, methods iand software and also supporting decision-makyers.

Simon is the convenor of the Q Community’s Organisational Resilience & Safety-II group (all welcome to join).

Hilda Campbell
Hilda is CEO of COPE Scotland, a charity founded in 1991 with voices of lived experience. She is also a QNIS Honorary Fellow.

She has 37 years’ experience in the mental health field; 29 years working directly with communities and the voices of lived experience.

COPE Scotland – as well as offering direct services in West Glasgow through its one to one project C.O.P.E. (Caring Over People’s Emotions) – seeks to develop tools which promote coping strategies and resilience to the natural challenges of life to share with others. Tackling inequality and promotion of fairness, respect, kindness and dignity is at the heart of COPE Scotland’s work.

Recognising the new challenges to mental/emotional wellbeing COPE Scotland seeks to mitigate the impact of COVID19 on individuals, families and communities, by exploring new ways of working and building connections and sharing of knowledge.

Julia Wood

Julia has a background in quality improvement, working predominately in the healthcare sector. She has worked nationally on a number of Collaborative programmes, as well regionally in the North East and North West. She thoroughly enjoys working with individual teams, supporting them meet their goals and aspirations. One of the key things which enables this to happen is culture and staff wellbeing. Julia has a keen interest in the Joy of Work methodologies, and is co-founder of the Special Interest Group ‘Finding and Creating Joy in Work’.

Twitter: @JuliaWoodQI

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