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Dr Maureen Flynn (She/Her)

Director of Nursing, HSE Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Director, QPS Lead

Health Service Executive, Ireland

Image of 'Dr Maureen Flynn


Senior nurse and health professional with experience in quality improvement, patient safety and quality, clinical governance, policy making, clinical management, clinical practice, education, research and publications. Wide experience across a range of organisational and cultural settings, a track record of achievement and leadership in strategy formulation and implementation, designing and implementing change. Achieved national profile as an authoritative and credible source of information and expertise in the professional development of nursing, quality improvement and safety in Ireland. Fellow, Scottish Patient Safety Fellowship Programme with a PhD from University College Dublin; member of the first Q Community Advisory Board; Master of Education and Master of Science focused in Health Services Management, from University of Dublin, Trinity College; and Lean Healthcare Green Belt from Ontario Tech University.

Q Exchange ideas

Blog posts

  • Q Ireland event realises the community’s potential

    Maureen Flynn, Director of Nursing, HSE National QI Team, QI Connections Lead and Q member relays the excitement and ongoing positive outcomes following a year of Q in Ireland and their one year celebration event.

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