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Quality Management Systems: Building the conditions for effective change

Quality management systems bring together planning, control, improvement and assurance as a framework for supporting organisations to achieve and sustain improvement over time.

22 Sep 2021
10:00 – 12:00


Building on Joseph Juran’s quality management trilogy, healthcare organisations across the UK are developing knowledge and application of these principles to achieve better quality care.

This webinar gave participants an opportunity to:

  • learn about quality management systems and how they are being used in healthcare to build quality across whole organisations
  • hear from Q members currently developing or using quality management systems in their organisations
  • consider the conditions and principles needed to achieve whole organisational quality (what makes the difference?) through an interactive discussion
  • reflect on what works and what needs further development in your own environment
  • learn from examples outside of healthcare with mature quality management systems

This interactive session will be of relevance to all Q members with a strong interest in developing the capability and capacity of their organisation’s ability to improve.

The session was be led by Q members, Emma Adams and Joy Furnival, and supported by Jon Armstrong, CEO of Changeway Ltd. Jon led the transformation consultancy Simpler Consulting in Europe prior to its acquisition by IBM, and then oversaw its integration as an IBM Partner. Jon has over 25 years’ experience turning Strategy into Action in a range of industrial and healthcare settings. Jon co-founded the Changeway software business with another ex-IBM Partner in 2019. For more information about Changeway, visit their website.

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