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Launch event: Q-focused Network Weaving guides

After an year of community experimentation and research, a Q-inspired toolbox is ready.

22 Jun 2023
13:00 – 14:30

We all have a sense of the immense collective intelligence we can find within Q, but sometimes it’s hard to know what resources and knowledge we can tap into.

One year ago, Hilda Campbell and the Nurturing and Weaving Networks Special Interest Group (SIG) set out to tackle that challenge – what if we asked Qs about their difficulties and what tools they use to face them? What if we catalogued those tools, organised them neatly, and made it easy for other people to find the same solutions?

This event is the culmination of this process, and the launch of three different (free and widely available) products:

  • The Curiosity Poster: a one pager that organises visually what are all the online spaces and toolboxes available for Qs
  • The Toolkit Booklet: a well index tool catalogue, connecting questions and challenges to tangible solutions, 25 pages-long and aimed at being used as a reference book
  • The Reflective Workbook: a longer, 95 page-long book that proposes a self-guided professional development and self-actualization journey. More strategy and long-term focused
Curiosity poster
Network Weaving Tools Guide
Reflective Workbook

Combined, those three pieces of work are a great way to understand the different levels of granularity with which one can interact with Q (The Curiosity Poster for somebody who’s just joining SIGs for the first time, the Reflective Workbook for someone who’s looking to deepen their practice and grow professionally via networking).

In this launch event we will celebrate the creation of those documents, and we’ll also teach you how to effectively engage with each of them.

This is knowledge that came directly from Qs via the many zooms hosted by the Nurturing and Weaving Networks SIG and the subsequent data processing of the information shared there. The tools you’ll find were not selected by chance – they were all pointed as useful by our community.

It’s an easy way to tap into Q’s vast collective intelligence.