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How do we disrupt the behaviour patterns that lead to toxic productivity?

How to bring some of the in-person informal interactions into the online space.

11 Jul 2023
12:00 – 12:50

Colleagues interested in staff wellbeing within health and social care have been seeking to identify the questions which are needed to find the answers to the ‘wicked problems’ around the compassion paradox of being there and offering compassion to others while simultaneously not experiencing burnout yourself.

At a recent session the question of ‘how do we disrupt the behaviour patterns that lead to toxic productivity?‘ emerged.

The conversation also looked at ‘Zoom fatigue’ and the changes in how we are when we meet online as opposed to face to face. This session aims to try and recreate some of the more informal ways we met in-person eg tea breaks together, casual chats, before we share ideas on actions we think may help disrupt those behaviours we know are contributing to staff stress and burnout.

If you would like to join the conversation then it would be great to have you along- please bring your lunch!

Online calls are the new normal, let’s find ways to make them more ‘human’. Small changes can make a big difference. The wisdom shared at the session will be made into a tips sheet and shared with those who come along and the wider community.

This call is organised by the Staff Wellbeing and Quality Health Care Special Interest Group.