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Blanka Hubena (She/her)

Senior Lecturer, University of South Wales


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Senior Lecturer, Course Leader MA Art Psychotherapy, USW

Educator, Leader, Researcher; clinical assessor/academic supervisor and personal coach

Art Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor, Trainer (in private practice)


  • Head of Therapeutic Studies, USW;
  • Clinical Services Manager (Primary School Counselling Project - now TalkingZone, USW; Newport University Community Counselling Service - now USW Therapy)
  • Art Psychotherapist, Caerphilly County Borough, Schools Counselling service
  • Art Psychotherapist, New Pathways

...and many others

Key QI interests:

- Improving MH outcomes through trauma informed organisations, compassionate leadership and pluralistic principles

- Improving pre-reg. AHP training and practice based learning

- Systems change and organisational dynamics

- AI and digitally enhanced learning and teaching

- Interprofessional learning and communities of practice

- Improving engagement/outcomes in pre-reg. initial practitioner clinical training through neurobiological perspectives and trauma informed pedagogy in HE

Trained in QI Practitioner Level (Silver) & QI Hikers programme

Q Exchange ideas

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