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Annabelle Burns

Head of Integration

Homerton University Hospital

Image of 'Annabelle Burns
  • Hi All
    I was wondering if there are any AHPs on here who have explored the principles of self management in their services? I am a speech and language therapy manager in community paediatrics. i’m interested in the principles and ideas, wondering how to make the next steps….

  • Annabelle Burns posted a new activity comment 5 years ago

    That’s the sort of thing I was thinking: QI training alongside some actual projects where the theory could be put into practice. I think that working towards shared aims in a project can really build bridges and shared understanding across boundaries.

  • In our borough we are moving towards integration between social care, education, health and the voluntary sector. I’ve noticed anecdotally a real disconnect between how the different agencies approach quality improvement – the language we use, the ethos, the values, the practical methodology. I think reflecting critically and making improvements…Read more

    • I really think you are onto something there Annabelle. I was only talking to someone else about this last week who was working as a health professional in children’s social care.

    • My colleague and myself will be working on something around this. We have found that there probably still is a huge gap in the understanding of QI in Social care – they seems not to know anything about SPC and would benefits of simple tools to transform processes in a services they managed.

      The project that we are considering to apply f…Read more

      • That’s the sort of thing I was thinking: QI training alongside some actual projects where the theory could be put into practice. I think that working towards shared aims in a project can really build bridges and shared understanding across boundaries.

    • I’ve done some work with the Fire Service that then led to us working with with Social Services. We used QI methodology – but this was guided by us. We would have liked to have taken this a step further but this requires a considerable amount of time and committment beyond one project. I have certainly come across (and hear of others in) Social…Read more

  • Annabelle Burns's profile was updated 5 years, 1 month ago

  • Annabelle Burns changed their profile picture 5 years, 1 month ago

  • Annabelle Burns posted a new activity comment 5 years, 1 month ago

    I manage a Speech and Language Therapy team which is funded by the LA and NHS, as well as other funders. We are talking about joint commissioning but making this a reality is mainly talk at the moment. On the ground we work together well but joining up at the top seems trickier. We found that the joint area SEND inspection was a good experience…Read more

    • Thats interesting, I would be interested to hear any progress you will be making. I am currently at the start of some analysis in SEND, but the team there is so stressed. But we have found some very odd behaviours that the system and stress is creating in the SEND staff. The amount of waste and poor communication is being seen as being a…Read more

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