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Virtual tertiary care team children with persistent pain

The aim is to ensure that young people being seen by generic paediatric services still have access to specialist pain management advice without having to travel long distances to appointments

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  • Idea
  • 2023

Meet the team


  • Sue Jeffs
  • Kevin Francis
  • Helen Fardy

What is the challenge your project is going to address and how does it connect to the theme of 'How can improvement be used to reduce delays accessing health and care services'?

The management of persistent pain in young people can be very complex. Services in rural locations do not always have access to specialist advice and it is unhelpful if young people have to travel for miles to a tertiary care service rather than being helped in their local context. This project would look at how a virtual MDT could support local services working across health, social care and education to provide support close to home and at the same time have access to highly specialist advice. The aim would be to move care away from hospitals into the communities and contexts that the young person engages with every day. Local support would be delivered by trusted professionals who have established relationships with the young person and their family but the local professionals would have full support allowing for the upskliing of local workforces rather than taking expertise to the centre.

What does your project aim to achieve?

The aim is to scope models for using specialist expertise in non-specialist settings. The project will also explore different workforce models that mean specialist expertise isn’t always concentrated in a single physical location by looking at developing matrix teams which draw together a virtual MDT from across a number of different organisations. To do so there will be an exploration of different hosting models with reference to the different health economies across the UK

How will the project be delivered?

The funding will be used to pay for project support to ensure an evidence based approach to project management is used. The initial vision and mandate will be generated at a workshop organised by WHSCC who commission specialised services in Wales. The mandate will then be turned into discovery stage activities leading to a proposal for an initial team model. This initial model will be tested for 6 months. Clear objective measures will be decided at the beginning of the initial phase to provide a framework for evaluation and a baseline for benefits realisation. at the end of the first 6 months the outputs will be evaluated in order to determine whether changes to the service model are needed. There will then be another 6months of testing following which a proposal for Business as Usual will be developed as a basis for future funding applications.

How is your project going to share learning?

Conference publications

Blogs on the Q community website

Posts on social media

Case studies in National publications

Award applications

How you can contribute

  • Learn from others in the community about how to run effective virtual multidisciplinary meetings.

Plan timeline

28 Mar 2023 Initial workshop
2 Apr 2023 Proposal development
1 May 2023 Recruit initial team
2 May 2023 Recruit project support
5 Jun 2023 Start initial testing phase
4 Dec 2023 Complete initial testing phase
4 Dec 2023 Evaluate testing phase one
8 Jan 2024 Begin testing phase two
1 Jul 2024 Complete testing phase two
20 Sep 2024 Complete proposal for long term funding


  1. It's clear that lots of thought and care has gone into this application and that this builds on this fantastic team's previous work in QLab. As a mental health clinician  that has worked with children and young people for 30 years I feel this type of service is really needed, as living life for young people with persistent pain can all to easily lead to anxiety and depression.

    Thanks for coming up with a great idea!

    sending my warmest wishes


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