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Dovetailing Early Years support for children with delayed language development

Derby has various support for young children with delayed language development; offered in different ways. Speech & Language input will help it flow and be the best it can be.

Read comments 5 Project updates 1
  • Winning idea
  • 2023

Meet the team


  • Kerry Hodges Principal Public Health manager, Derby city
  • Susan Earnshaw , Health visiting service lead
  • Lisa Sandercock, Family Centre manager
  • Derby City Children's Speech and Language Therapy team

What is the challenge your project is going to address and how does it connect to the theme of 'How can improvement be used to reduce delays accessing health and care services'?

The health visiting team, children centres and early years settings all offer support at a targeted level for children who identified at their 2 year check with delayed language development. There are a range of programmes and the aim is to support children and their family in the way that works best for them.

There is group for parents and children based on The Wellcomm Big Book of Ideas and some families are offered this support on a 1:1 at home from Health Practitioners or Family visitors although this support is very limited.

Children who need further support after the group/1:1 input are referred on to the speech and language service: there is  currently a wait time of 25 -30 weeks.

The project will look at optimising the group and 1:1 support with specialist Speech and Language input so families are still accessing  effective support whilst waiting.

It will build on current systems and relationships.

What does your project aim to achieve?

We want to dovetail the services together and support each others work so families are on a speech and language pathway rather than trapped waiting between services.

The working together will mean each service will be using their expertise in the most effective way and lead to joint learning and cross pollination of ideas and understanding of each others roles .

The specialist speech and language input will provide the quality assurance and support the Children Centres and Health Visiting team are asking for. It will boost their  confidence to deliver the programme and increase its’ impact.

This project would be delivered alongside the Derby Family Hub and focus on extending the support to families who are currently under represented for example, refugees, the Deaf community, LGBTQ families.

33.8% of Derby’s population has a Multiple Deprivation index below 2 . The link between deprivation and speech, language and communication skills well documented.

How will the project be delivered?

This project would be delivered alongside the work happening in Derby’s new Family Hub. The Speech and Language input to the Family Hub is to develop Early Years Autism Services and to deliver specialist coaching for Health Visitors on speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). The Hub work has been agreed with the Department of Education so has a high level of quality assurance.

This project would  bring more strands of the Early Years SLCN pathway together and further strengthen  links between the services and the impact of the support offered.  This should lead to an increase in confidence from families as they will feel they have a joined up team supporting them.

It will allow duplication to be easily identified and optimise the targeted Speech and Language offer. There will be opportunity for involving families in person centred  conversations to ensure the service is meeting their needs.

How is your project going to share learning?

  • write up the project and share through the appropriate Q community channels
  • involve DCHS quality team and present at events/appropriate channels
  • Share in local teams to generate more interest across system working to benefit families and maximise the impact of input
  • write articles for Early Years publications
  • integrate this work with the research project being delivered through the Derby City Family Hub and supported by the University of Derby

How you can contribute

  • examples of dovetailed working

Plan timeline

1 Sep 2023 team meeting and planning of groups
1 Sep 2023 team training on Wellcomm Big Book of ideas
1 Oct 2023 deliver first course collaboratively
1 Dec 2023 Conversations with parents, mid project findings, team reflections
17 Dec 2023 Planning next group using feedback
7 Jan 2024 deliver second group
1 Mar 2024 learning summary, assess impact, decide what's next, plan future

Project updates

  • 27 Dec 2023

    The Project has got off to a good start; everyone has been supportive and interested.

    It is a small piece of work but is already helping the different services involved in delivering Speech, Language and Communication support to Derby City to understand each other’s offer and how they can work together more effectively. It follows the Balanced System principle of Specialist services supporting targeted services.

    Phase one was based in the Children Centres.

    Phase one objectives:

    1.    SLT Team to be trained in the Wellcomm Toolkit

    2.    SLT Team to attend Children Centre language development groups based on the Wellcomm Toolkit and understand how they work, make observations, give Quality Assurance

    3.    SLT Team to spend time with Children Centre staff to understand their thoughts around the groups.

    4.    SLT Team to understand the process of referral to the groups

    5.    Develop understanding how the support is used by families.

    6.    A bank of toys to be ordered for Phase 2 of the project which is based in families’ homes.

    7.    Regular meetings with Project Lead to update and check direction

    All the of the objectives were achieved and we identified the following main outcomes:

    ·       Confidence that the Wellcomm Toolkit is an appropriate package to support children with language delay

    ·       The groups in the Children Centres are of a high quality and there is lots of good work happening

    ·       activity cards have been developed as prompts to be used during the sessions/take home

    ·       an easy read leaflet has been made explaining the group – looking how it can be translated into other languages

    ·       training session on language development delivered with children centre staff

    Areas to focus on:

    –       Ensuring children with more complex needs are referred to a different, more appropriate, group as this group  is focussed just on Language Delay – this is being addressed via the Wellcomm screening

    –       Structure in the groups with the practitioners working alongside/coaching families was more impactful than modelling alone.

    –       Developing uptake and attendance at the groups; uptake and attendance are low despite high numbers of children being identified at the 2 year assessment as needing support for language development. In January 2024 there will be a virtual offer of the Wellcomm group for families, this should help to support a few more families.

    There has been a change to the proposed plan due to numbers at the groups being low. In a bid to reach more children and families and understand how support for language delay can be offered more widely the project has been elongated (fewer sessions each week but for a longer period) and will concentrate on different services each phase.

    Phase 2 January – April 2024

    This phase will be based in the Health Visiting team and will focus on home visits.

    Phase 3  May -August

    This phase will be based in Private and Voluntary and Independent nurseries and look at setting up small groups and integrating principles of the Toolkit into everyday play.


  1. This sounds like a great way to bring together those involved with families and provide a more responsive service.

    Good luck with the project, and I really look forward to hearing how it progresses if you are successful.

  2. Do you plan to offer training to the health visiting teams?

    1. we are going to be doing some coaching as part of the Family hub that is about to start in derby and i thought this project could really widen the offer and make the coaching come to life, thank you for asking

  3. Jenny, this makes so much sense to me : collaboration is essential to make the most of each team rather than missing the opportunity for continuity. I hope you are able to take this forward!

    1. Thanks Sarah. I have spent more time this week talking to the Children Centres and Health Visiting team and they are so keen to work together. I now have a much better understanding of their service offers so am going to get busy this weekend developing the idea. Thank you for your encouragement!

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