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Training quality improvement Senior Leaders in Appreciative Inquiry

Kayleigh Barnett, Senior Improvement Advisor at Aqua shared her experience in using Appreciative Inquiry methods to create additional value for learners in a quality improvement (QI) programme aimed at aspiring senior leaders.

29 Sep 2022
13:00 – 14:00

Q’s Learning from Excellence Special Interest group was pleased to welcome Kayleigh Barnett, Senior Improvement Advisor at Aqua who shared her experience in using Appreciative Inquiry methods to create additional value for learners in a quality improvement (QI) programme aimed at aspiring senior leaders. This programme has been a key part of Aqua’s offering for the last ten years and has always been extremely popular. This case study relates to the re-development that has taken place over the last two years. The programme has Appreciative Inquiry elements embedded throughout, with a strong focus on understanding and harnessing individual and team strengths.

Appreciative Inquiry is increasingly used as the basis for building a structured learning process and this session will present a case study, and provide practical ideas for you to consider. Ensuring that Appreciative Inquiry processes are included in any part of an organisation can also contribute to psychological safety. Psychological safety is the belief that you won’t be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.

Kayleigh has worked at Aqua for six years and is the Delivery Lead for Appreciative Inquiry. She is an accredited Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner from the International Academy of Appreciative Inquiry. Her other areas of work are quality improvement and human factors. The case study she will present has also been featured in the September edition of the Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner journal.

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