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The Heretics Care Cafe

The Reimagining Health & Care SIG are pleased to present the Heretics Care Cafe. “Imagine if our communities had all the resources to care for themselves and keep itself healthy……."

9 Sep 2019


South West Academic Health Science Network

Reimagining Health & Care SW network has been meeting over the last 12 month. Some of the strongest themes and conversations have been about how we connect and care at a community level.

This is an open space event for people who want to create a new way of creating health and care. A place where you set the agenda. Host the conversation you want to have and about how communities could care for themsleves . Connect and explore with others how a community with its own resources could keep itself healthy. ..etc

We need people who are open to thinking heretical thoughts.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Buckminster Fuller

The types of things that excite us are #Buurtzorg, #wellbeingatwork, #nextstagework, #selforganisingteams.

South West Academic Health Science Network Vantage Point Pynes Hill Exeter EX2 5FD