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Talking about context:building a shared understanding of how your work is changing with COVID-19

As COVID-19 continues to change the way we work and how we deliver our projects, services and programmes, it’s critical that we get a handle on the new context of our work. In our live learning webinar we will introduce you to a framework that will help you talk about and understand the context of your work and how you can work with it.

4 Jun 2020
15:00 – 16:00

Zoom Call

So much of what differentiates a good from a great organisation is the ability to understand and work well with context.

Whether supporting people to move on in their lives, implementing new policy initiatives, providing training or spreading good practice, the evidence shows that the most effective approaches are those that are tailored to the specific context in which the work is done.

The arrival of COVID-19 has fundamentally changed the context in which we work and deliver our projects, services and programmes.

We are all having to get our heads around working in a dynamic and complex environment where a wide range of factors influence our work in sometime unpredictable ways. Getting a handle on this new context and evolving context for our work is critical to our efforts to #buildbackbetter (see Twitter/LinkedIn).

At Matter of Focus our go-to context analysis tool is the ISM framework developed by the Scottish Government in 2013. ISM provides a complexity informed, evidence-based framework to structure conversations, insights and evidence about how context is shaping our work and what we can do about it.
In this webinar we will:
Introduce the ISM framework
Share some examples of using the ISM in practice
Give you the opportunity to work together in small groups to explore your changing context using the tool
Share hints and tips in making the most of the tool, including for evidencing decision making
This webinar is recommended for anyone leading or planning people-based projects, services and programmes, including people across operational, planning, policy and commissioning roles.