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Q Online Visit: One year on from NHS IMPACT at Imperial NHS Trust

Join us at this online Q Visit to hear about how Imperial NHS Trust has used NHS IMPACT as an opportunity to unify their improvement work and build improvement into everything they do.

12 Sep 2024
10:00 – 12:30


Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust used the launch of NHS IMPACT as an opportunity to do a stocktake of their improvement journey so far. They are now bringing together a range of different improvement initiatives and methods under one strategy – Improvement for All.

Equipped with learning from insights they have gathered and their experience to date they are co-designing their refreshed strategic approach with staff and service users. Working in this way is enabling Imperial to embed improvement into everything it does and how it works day to day.

They have introduced some exciting innovations to their approach, including engaging linguistic experts to help create a simple, accessible, inclusive jargon free improvement language that engages all staff.

Why Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust?

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust has been building a culture of continuous improvement since 2015. They have taken a deliberate step to build this from within rather than procure an approach. Throughout this journey they have innovated, collaborated, networked, always seeking to learn and share learning. At the outset they anticipated becoming a self-sustaining improvement organisation to be 20 years in the making. 9 years in, they have much to share about their successes, challenges and opportunities, and aspirations for the years ahead. With recognition through collaborations and awards marking their progress to date, they have become a leading voice in healthcare improvement.

What will I experience?

During this online Q Visit you will get the chance to:

  • Hear about how Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust has used NHS IMPACT to inform a refresh of their improvement work
  • Learn about the co-design process they have undertaken to engage staff and service users in the development of Improvement for All
  • Hear stories from staff that have informed the programme and how Improvement for All is impacting daily work for them and their teams
  • See examples of specific improvement projects and some of the improvement tools and routines being used and the outcomes being achieved
  • Understand how Imperial are measuring the impact of Improvement for All and find out how they are getting on
