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Patient Safety community: welcome call

The first Patient Safety Special Interest Group (SIG) call will be a space for introductions, learning how to navigate the SIG platform, hearing from the success of other communities and agreeing on next steps.

20 Feb 2023
12:00 – 13:00

The Patient Safety SIG is a new national community for health care staff working in quality and patient safety in Ireland in the HSE and HSE-funded services. It’s a space to share experiences and knowledge, and learn from each other on quality improvement and patient safety related issues.

Q membership is not needed to be a part of the Patient Safety SIG, but we recommend to anyone with an interest in this work to look at joining Q.

At our first gathering we will introduce each other, learn how to navigate the SIG platform, and hear and learn from the success of other communities. We will also agree on how to build our community and on our ways of working and next steps.

While there is an intention to make part of this work accessible and public, for the time being both this event and the Patient Safety SIG are invitation-only due to the sensitive nature of the topics discussed.