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Online Visit: Foresight and Futures Thinking: using digital and design tools to plan strategically for the future

Futurice are combining digital tools and methods, participatory approaches and Futures Thinking to improve quality of service in the health sector and beyond.

5 Dec 2023
10:00 – 12:30

Futures and Foresight methodologies can be particularly useful in health care – they acknowledge the complexity that exists in systems and encourage us to think about and plan strategically for the future.

Futures theory is often used in policy or academia, but there are many tools and methods that have been developed or adapted for teams and organisations as part of planning and strategy development. The work of Futurice and Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) focusses on policy influencing, including policies related to health inequalities and wider determinants of health. Their work also includes a catalogue of open source ideas for practical system change.

During this Visit, you’ll learn more about their work, leaving with useful learning around collaborative planning and how to combine service design, lean service creation and Futures methodologies to create long-lasting organisational change.

Why Futurice?

Futurice are a digital transformation company helping organisations become future capable. They bring together strategy, design, engineering and data to build resilience. That can mean putting data to work, rethinking customer experiences, or designing entirely new business models. They have over 20 years experience creating quantifiable impact for cross-sector clients and stakeholders across Europe.

Futurice uses their Lean Futures Creation methodology to guide teams to understand how the future can be different from today and what to do about it in the present. Lean Futures Creation (LFC) builds upon three important approaches under the umbrella on Futures Thinking – Futures literacy (a UNESCO approach), strategic foresight and exploratory futures. Futurice are passionate about democratising Futures Thinking by making it as easy and Lean as possible. Many of their tools and methods are free for everyone to download and to use.

At this Visit, we:

  • Learned from inspirational case studies that share how combining service design and Futures methodologies has led to long-lasting organisational change, service innovation and improved quality of service delivery in and beyond the health and care sector
  • Gained an introduction to human-centred design, innovation and digital transformation and its relationship with Futures Thinking
  • Were inspired by learning from the culture and ways of working at Futurice
  • Increased our own literacy around Futures Thinking and participatory approaches, including tools and methods that you can use in your own work.
  • Went on a deep dive into Futurice’s partnership with Wales Council for Voluntary Action: a nationwide Futures’ 2030 visioning initiative that uses a highly collaborative, cross-sector approach to develop the voluntary sector’s future vision, networks and role in transitioning Wales beyond 2030 to a more equitable, green and community-oriented society.

Watch the Visit

Online Q Visit: Foresight and Futures Thinking resources