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Collaboration across primary and secondary care: Lessons from acute kidney injury

AKI offers a lens to improve patient safety for people with a range of conditions, particularly those taking multiple medicines and living with complex health and social care needs (i.e. multimorbidity). By focusing on AKI there are opportunities to improve: medication safety; safer transitions of care; and safety for vulnerable patients and their carers.

27 Feb 2018


The Studio

The Studio, 7 Cannon St, Birmingham B2 5EP
We are currently working with practices to undertake case note reviews for patients who have had an illness complicated by AKI. The aim is to capture learning about key system issues that might affect patient safety. The case studies from these reviews will be made available on a toolkit freely available on the RCGP website. These will sit alongside national guidance to develop a model of learning and improvement and support reflective practice.
This workshop will be an opportunity to preview the toolkit and contribute to the final version, hear from participating practices of approaches to embed AKI-related activities into routine practice and share your own experiences in this area to inform future work.