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Special Interest Group

Psychology for Improvement

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About this group

A fundamental principle of improvement science is to understand & influence human behaviour (Dr William Deming). Indeed, an understanding of the psychological factors underpinning human behaviour makes up one quarter of Deming’s system of profound knowledge.  However, despite this, improvement literature and training often focuses on its technical aspects, neglecting its psychological or ‘people’ factors.  In contrast, it has been said that the success of improvement projects in healthcare are even more subject to these factors, being only “20% technical and 80% human” (Dr Margie Godfrey).

However, excellent knowledge and skills exist within quality improvement (QI) organisations which capitalise on psychological theory and practice. This special interest group is intended to be a forum where people can share the good work that they and their colleagues have been doing to improve the profile of psychological knowledge in the field of QI

The group is convened by Rachel Trask, Anna Burhouse and Fredrik Johansson

Please contact for further information and enquiries relating to this group.

This group is convened by Rachel Trask

Active members

  • Photo of Geraint Watts
  • Photo of Karen Davies
  • Photo of Joriam Ramos
  • Photo of Isabel Ho
  • Photo of Saskie Dorman
  • Photo of Kim Anderson
  • Photo of Maria Dorthea Skov
  • Photo of Petra Bee