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Sheriece Bracey

Head of Improvement

Chelsea & Westminster Foundation Trust

Image of 'Sheriece Bracey
  • Hi everyone, hope you’re well!

    I run the Quality Management System at my place, we use ISO9001. We currently do clause-based auditing because that’s what the consultant who helped us set up told us about, but we don’t feel that it really gives us a good understanding of how our various teams and processes are doing. We had a bad process…Read more

    • Been doing process based audits for years now Sam, initially didn’t realise that’s what we were doing.
      Happy to talk, Ian

    • Yes we do both clause based compliance audits and process audits. Depends what you are trying to achieve?
      In my view you need both but the numbers depends on the perceived risk
      Happy to discuss further


    • Hi Sam, we do process based audits and this can be done in different ways depending on the maturity of your QMS. Clause based audit is useful when your team is new to the ISO requirements but as the processes become more established and mature the focus on each clause will need to be adapted to your local needs to make it beneficial. Happy to…Read more

    • It would be great to catch up with you, Sam, about your experience of ISO9001 if you’re not opposed to a call?

    • I think process based audits are necessary in addition to clause based. Processes must be well defined and some sort of non conformance record and resolution record system needs to be in place. This will enable the audit to be more effective.

      • I totally agree. The essential elements of risk based thinking, control of non-conformities, and a corrective action system. I think working these consistently in the QMS with an internal audit program can ultimately yield what the last clause of ISO 9001 looks at for high reliability in organisations.

    • Hello Sam. In my previous work, when we designed and build the QMS for the previous organisation, we linked the clauses to the processes so when it came to internal audits, these were clause based but still linked to the organization’s processes. I gather it depends on what you are looking to achieve. One of the ISO clauses look at context of the…Read more

      • I would say both clause based and process based are important. I know in ISO 9001:2015 version of the standard, the Quality manual is optional but I would say it helps when you are building and designing your QMS and in that there is the process map customized to the organisation. To view the clause based for internal audit straight generically…Read more

  • Sam McIntyre posted an update in the group College Q 1 year, 12 months ago

    Hi all, hope you are well! At RCEM we quality assure our work using ISO9001, but we are looking to make this more rigorous. What systems do you all have in your colleges to quality assure your own work/processes? I remember RCPsych used to have an internal peer review where teams would look at other teams work to look for improvement opportunities.

  • John Lodge's profile was updated 2 years ago

  • Sara Veeramah's profile was updated 2 years, 2 months ago

  • John Lodge posted an update in the group Evaluation 2 years, 5 months ago

    Call for evaluation support/advice at the design stage for a Q-funded Community of Practice!

    Oxford AHSN are forming a community of practice that aims to address health inequalities and improve community health across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire. The first design group is meeting this Friday 29th April morning at 10.30am,…Read more

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