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John Harris

Head of Pharmacy, Glangwili General Hospital

Hywel Dda University Health Board

Image of 'John Harris
  • Andrew Ware posted an update in the group Q in Cymru / Wales 10 months ago

    Nadolig Llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda pawb!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New year everyone!

    I know some of you are working over the Christmas period; thank you for keeping everything going.

    Reflecting over the last year there have been sessions on HLS, work around Child and Young person Mental Health liaison, Cancer pathway improvement, rare…Read more

  • Happy Holidays and have a great New Year everyone!

    For those in Public Health Wales, the date has been set for 22nd January for the first gathering of the CoP.

    A registration link is on Yammer for internal PHW members, so please save the date!


  • Talking about Environmental Public Health with Kristian James, –  Principal Environmental Public Health Scientist

    With it being climate change awareness week, I thought that perhaps it would feel like preaching to the choir, so I have something a little different. 

     Other PHW members who might have had this information in stereo, though its wi…Read more


    A bit of news for us in Wales – 

    Bill to tackle air and noise pollution passed in the Senedd, supporting a cleaner, healthier and greener future

    The World Health Organisation has described air pollution as the world’s larg…Read more

    • Thanks for sharing, I am attending a Clean air day legacy workshop, led by environmental protection Scotland

      Following Clean Air Day 2023 EPS is keen to extend this campaign to a series of year round legacy events and activities to maintain momentum and encouraging sustained behavioural change.
      To achieve this, we have organised an initial online…Read more

      • Hi Hilda,

        Absolutely. Thank you.
        While this group is made up of members across NHS Wales, there is a Community of Practice for Climate Change forming in the new year within Public Health Wales for their staff. This sounds like the ambitions and goals are very similar to what you are doing. Maybe some connections there are worthwhile?
        A few of…Read more

    • Hi Andrew

      Super, I will keep you in the loop of developments, my direct email is if you want to drop me an email means I can send anything on may be of interest and make e-introductions where appropriate.
      Have a lovely weekend

    • Thanks for sharing! I really believe in such cases, the best possible solution is really policy and taxation. Happy to see this is happening.

  • Andrew Ware posted an update in the group Measurement for Improvement 11 months ago


    A question asked on twitter from a fellow Q member – “Do you know of a PREM that captures experiences of waiting in healthcare?”

    I have posted this in our regional SIG, but I thought it topical and someone here might have a recommendation or advice on something tried and tested. 

    It’s currently a short answer yes, long answer no from…Read more


    A question asked on twitter – “Do you know of a PREM that captures experiences of waiting in healthcare?”

    I have posted this in our regional SIG, but given this Q Lab, I thought it topical and someone here might have a recommendation or advice on something tried and tested. 

    It’s currently a short answer yes, long answer no from me.

    There a…Read more

  • Andrew Ware posted an update in the group Q in Cymru / Wales 11 months ago

    Ok Q Cymru, let’s see what a hive mind can do.

    A question asked on twitter – “Do you know of a PREM that captures experiences of waiting in healthcare?”

    Short answer yes, long answer no from me.

    There are many. A quick search and I found these, with one I thought would crop up and didn’t- 

    The Friends and Family Test (FFT): Originally used in…Read more

    • I should add, this has been asked by a fellow Q Cymru member. We’d really appreciate any advice or opinions on what has worked well or what to use wisely.
      Anything would make a big difference and save time by ground the rest of the community has already covered.

    • Hi Andy

      Not really a PREM, but if thinking about waiting lists then looking at patient safety incidents can be important. This might be things like cardiac deaths while awaiting surgery, or significant deterioration in a patient’s condition that could have been avoided if treatment was given within target timescales. These types of incidents can…Read more

      • Hi Matt,

        Good to hear from you. Hope you are well?

        This is a great point. Part of the work I am helping with currently includes looking at what is happening while they wait, including other services that are accessed because the patient is waiting, rather than being complimentary to it. Previous areas with this sort of work was data rich from…Read more

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