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Andrea Davies

Head of Mental Health Psychology & Psychological Therapies

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Healthboard

Image of 'Andrea Davies

Member's groups

  • Complexity Approaches to support Quality Improvement

    This group will consider the impact of emerging theories around complex systems – such as complex responsive processes, Dialogic OD and systems thinking – on how we approach quality improvement. It will also foc […]

  • Psychology for Improvement

    A fundamental principle of improvement science is to understand & influence human behaviour (Dr William Deming). Indeed, an understanding of the psychological factors underpinning human behaviour makes up one […]

  • Organisational Resilience & Safety-II

    We strive to provide high quality, safe care whilst operating in a complex environment, facing considerable uncertainty on a daily basis. The degree of volatility, complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity is […]

  • Making use of patient experience

    Do we over-measure patient experience? Are we helped by the Friends and Family Test, CQC patient surveys, NHS Choices star ratings, Patient Opinion snapshot comments, local Healthwatch reports, Trust and CCG […]

  • Q Reading Club

    This group offers a space where members can continue their own professional development through a virtual book club. The idea is that a particular time period and place is identified for a discussion space about a […]

  • Co-production

    In co-produced health care, organisations work with people who use services, carers and communities in equal partnership. It’s easy to do it wrong and quite hard to get it right, but it isn’t rocket science, and […]

  • Applying behavioural insights in healthcare

    The latest insights from behavioural science help us better understand all of the factors that influence people’s behaviour – that’s patients and the public as well as healthcare staff. This helps us create more […]

  • QI in Mental Health

    Special Interest Group to support the sharing of ideas and good practice for QI across all Mental Health settings. The group will encourage the sharing of ideas and approaches to the use of QI within MH settings […]

  • Human Factors

    This group aims to link with members who are interested in developing human factors capability within the NHS. In the East Midlands, there is some work on this and we now have six human factors projects being […]

  • Q in Cymru / Wales

    Welcome to the Q in Wales forum!

    Members from across Wales, and can come here to share ideas, events or put a request in for advice from other members.

    Members can expect to get updates on local activity, get […]

  • Q Exchange 5 teams

    A space for Q Exchange 5 project teams to come together to share questions, experiences, learning and ideas.