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Improving mental health and staff retention for South Yorkshire Staff

To deliver a QI Programme across South Yorkshire that aims to improve mental health staff retention for healthcare workers, aligned with the NHS EDI improvement plan published in 2023.

Read comments 2
  • Proposal
  • 2024

Meet the team


  • Charlotte Turnbull (Head of Organisational Development), Rebecca Malone (OD Practitioner - Staff Engagement and Wellbeing)

What is the challenge your project is going to address and how does it connect to the theme of 'How can we improve across system boundaries?​

Last year, in 2023, a record number of staff left the NHS, which is likely to have been impacted by the pressures experienced by NHS services across the country. Even before the pandemic, research indicated that healthcare staff have poorer wellbeing than those working in other sectors, and this has amplified since the pandemic with staff reporting increased symptoms of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

This programme will invite 6 teams from across the region to come together to focus on staff wellbeing and staff retention, a universal issue that requires urgent attention, where teams from different organisations and across system boundaries will have the opportunity to learn from each other. By partaking, staff from all levels of the healthcare system will develop QI skills, particularly staff from underrepresented backgrounds. We aim to also help to remove boundaries in terms of career progression for underrepresented staff groups.

What does your project aim to achieve?

This programme will empower frontline teams to improve staff wellbeing, mental health and equality and diversity within their teams with support from a dedicated QI coach and licenses for supporting tools such as Life Qi and Improve Well. These tools will help with measurement and monitoring improvement over time, and the coaches will facilitate the use of QI methodologies to refine individual aims.

As with any priority for improvement, specific factors contributing to poor wellbeing and staff retention in different teams will be best known to the staff closest to the issues plus issues related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. The frontline staff will also have good ideas on how to make work better for colleagues. In particular, staff from underrepresented groups often have fantastic ideas, but report that they do not get as many opportunities to share their ideas and the permission and support to work on their ideas.

How will the project be delivered?

The project will be based on learning from similar national QI collaboratives such as the Joy in work QI Collaborative, and also national guidance and frameworks such as the EDI Improvement Plan.

Commitment to this project is essential, therefore teams from various organisations and services across South Yorkshire will submit an application to take part in the 12-month QI collaborative. 6 teams will be selected, each containing up to 5 members, and the lead member must have a protected characteristic.

Teams will meet to establish shared issues and concerns, and agree measures that all projects related to this collaborative will track. This will allow teams to return to the collaborative setting and share the impact of their projects so other organisations can test and scale up the successful initiatives.

How is your project going to share learning?

Our proposed programme focusses on improvement across system boundaries in relation to a topic that is of utmost urgency for every NHS organisation right now. If we don’t look after our staff then we will not have staff to care for patients. Furthermore, if staff are just about surviving rather than thriving, than care will not be as good as it possibly can be as the relationship between staff experience in the workplace, staff wellbeing and patient.

Improvements will be monitored and shared with support from a dedicated QI coach and licenses for supporting tools such as Life Qi and Improve Well, which help with measurement and monitoring improvement over time.

Progress will be provided via the Q community platform, but also at regional events, including Staff Network Groups.

How you can contribute

  • We would like feedback from Q members on the idea and how we can refine it and make it more specific.
  • Furthermore, we would like to encourage any NHS staff across South Yorkshire to put forward applications to be part of the QI collaborative programme.
  • If any Q members have specific experience in QI activities that focus on staff engagement and culture, we would like your advice with how we measure improvement best. Especially with regards to:
  • - Measuring organisational efficiency
  • - Measuring legal compliance: Equality Act 2010 and PSED
  • - Measuring Safety culture: culture of care in organisations

Plan timeline

31 Jul 2024 Collaborative teams selected and programme information disseminated
5 Sep 2024 First collaborative meeting (followed by action period)
21 Nov 2024 Collaborative meeting (followed by action period)
13 Feb 2025 Collaborative meeting (followed by action period)
28 Apr 2025 Collaborative meeting (followed by action period)
10 Jul 2025 Collaborative meeting (followed by action period)
22 Sep 2025 Final collaborative meeting and programme close


  1. We all know how much unmet need there is in mental health

    We all know that the way in which we work can contribute to poor health, mental health and sometimes lead to burnout, early retirement, damaged relationships & even suicide

    We can all think of examples where team activities, colleague support, managerial input, brave leadership and kind cultures have made a difference

    So why can we not incrementally improve what we know works?

    This project builds on the @rcpsych #JoyatWork QI project and recognises the importance of EDI and intersectional vulnerabilities

    Working with QI teams across South Yorkshire has the potential to make a step change, embed processes to improve health & wellbeing and ultimately deliver improved staff experience & wellbeing, recruitment & retention and patient care.

    Please get in touch with comments and expressions of interest to join with the team?

    1. completely second everything that Helen has said here. We have put in a. Few bids but this I one of our favourites as one of the biggest issues faced by the NHS today is staff wellbeing and “joy at work” there’s a big evidence base on things that can be done, but it needs investment and a proper community approach - please do get involved if you are in SY - we would love to add you to the project team!

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