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Enhancing Paediatric Healthcare: Regional Passport for Seamless Patient Management

Developing a standardised, regional children’s health passport, enhancing and improving quality of care and increasing productivity and efficiencies for medical staff. Seeking funding for a paediatrics needs-led app-based solution.

Read comments 2
  • Proposal
  • 2024

Meet the team


  • Kendal Bromley-Bewes
  • Andre Clinchant
  • Ruth Hobbs

What is the challenge your project is going to address and how does it connect to the theme of 'How can we improve across system boundaries?​

The regional children’s health passport initiative addresses the challenge of inconsistent communication across the Southwest system. By creating a consistent passport, the project seeks to improve the interface between different sectors ensuring a seamless experience for young people across (healthcare, social care, leisure, and education and enhancing overall quality and efficiency. Collaborating with various stakeholders, including healthcare providers, the VFCSE sector, and caregivers, the project aims to develop an app-based solution that allows for easy access and updates to patient information.

Feedback from stakeholders demonstrates the need for a system, with reports of confusion, repeated story telling and inefficiencies due to varying documentation practices. With the implementation of a regional passport, all professionals can access consistent patient information regardless of location, leading to improved experiences, streamlined communication and better health outcomes. This collaborative effort demonstrates a proactive approach to improving system boundaries, promoting cohesion, and enhancing healthcare delivery across sectors.

What does your project aim to achieve?

Firstly, we aim to establish a recognisable tool across the Southwest, ensuring consistency and clarity of patient information. This will streamline communication and transitions of care, support staff in providing quality care easily.  The project will improve patient outcomes, experiences, reduce dissatisfaction and save time for all staff.

Secondly, the project seeks to empower patients and caregivers by providing them with a method to actively participate in their care management, allowing them to update medical and social information, the passport promotes patient-centred care, autonomy and empowerment.

Furthermore, the implementation of the passport has the potential to reduce health and social inequalities by ensuring equitable access to all services they encounter in their lives. The project aims to eliminate disparities in healthcare delivery and improve the overall quality of care and wellbeing for all children and young people, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status.

How will the project be delivered?

Multiagency collaboration has already been ongoing during the scoping phase including users. The well-structured approach will involve working with relevant stakeholders, including healthcare providers (including third sector), patients, caregivers, and digital colleagues.

Initially, we will continue our research and engagement with stakeholders to understand their needs and preferences regarding the children’s hospital passport. Based on this input, we will develop a detailed project plan outlining timelines, milestones, and resource allocation.

Regular communication channels will be established to address any issues promptly and ensure continuous improvement.

To measure impact, we will establish key performance indicators related to efficiency, patient satisfaction and healthcare outcomes. Regular evaluations will be conducted to assess progress and identify areas for enhancement.

Value for money will be achieved through careful budget management, leveraging existing resources where possible and exploring cost-effective solutions. Risk management strategies will be implemented to anticipate and mitigate potential challenges, ensuring successful project delivery.

How is your project going to share learning?

Our project is committed to sharing learning and insights gained throughout the development and implementation of the regional children’s hospital passport. We will utilise various channels such as workshops and written reports to share our findings to Q members and the wider healthcare community.

Key learnings will include best practice, strategies for engaging stakeholders effectively and approaches to promoting patient-centred care and equity in healthcare delivery and beyond. We will also share insights into overcoming challenges encountered during the project, including navigating regulatory requirements, managing stakeholder expectations and leveraging technology effectively.

By sharing our experiences and lessons learned, we aim to inspire and inform other healthcare organisations and professionals, enabling them to replicate successful practices and innovations. Ultimately, our project seeks to contribute to the collective learning and improvement of paediatric healthcare systems across the UK and Ireland.

How you can contribute

  • Support to resolve any issues that may appear.
  • Share learning of similar projects / pilots.
  • Provide any ‘expert by experience’ knowledge.
  • Provide diverse perspectives.
  • Co-production support.
  • Support for disseminating training to staff.

Plan timeline

5 Jul 2024 Share successful bid information with Regional paediatric teams
8 Jul 2024 Identify key stakeholders and set up working group
19 Jul 2024 Develop project plan and marketing strategy
23 Aug 2024 Creation of all digital and physical engagement materials
23 Aug 2024 Develop engagement strategy with key stakeholders
30 Aug 2024 Develop impact and outcomes metrics
1 Oct 2024 Procurement process for app
1 Apr 2025 Launch pilot of app
5 May 2025 Start Evaluation


  1. This is a great project and could really help young people across the region.  Empowering young people to take a more active role in the their health management is such a pivotal piece of work and would have long term benefits.

    1. Thank you very much for your support Ruth.

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