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Member-led event

Raising the profile of quality improvement in care homes

Are you passionate about QI in care homes? Find out more about Q’s first social care group.

14 Oct 2024
12:00 – 13:00

Are you using structured quality improvement approaches in care homes? Or maybe you’d like to learn more?

This event is open to all and will focus on structured quality improvement approaches aimed at improving care for residents, and introduce Q’s first social care group.

The group is convened by a QI team from the Health Innovation Network in South London who support local health and social care organisations to speed up the spread and adoption of innovation. They will be sharing their experience of supporting care home staff in South London to design and deliver small quality improvements in their care settings over the past three years. They are also keen to hear from others who are doing similar work in this field.

This is an excellent opportunity to come together, share learning and raise the profile of quality improvement in social care.

Join the conversation on 14 October and continue the conversation online by joining the Quality Improvement in Care Homes group.