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Podcasting for Health

In General practice we are always short on time but may find we are repeating the same concepts multiple times a day. Signposting and information leaflets may help, but can sometimes feel impersonal, which may limit impact. What if we could signpost patients to ourselves?

2 Feb 2021
13:00 – 14:00


We know that health beliefs play an important role in maintaining good health. Indeed we are all aware of the importance of exploring Ideas, Concerns and Expectations, yet these are not often viewed as a therapeutic target. However, harmful health beliefs and behaviours can be a major barrier to good health, and it is possible for traditional concepts of medicine to become part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

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The exploration of such complex ideas seems well beyond the scope of a 10-minute GP consult, but the inability to address the root cause of presenting problems can be frustrating for doctor and patient alike. Could podcasts be the answer? Can health be found beneath the ICE?

Our speaker was William Bostock, GP and Founder of Cambridge Progressive Medicine.

If you were unable to attend our event, you can view the slides and catch up with the recording below.

The Zoom was organised by the Q Community’s ‘Primary Care’ special interest group, which you can join: (all welcome to join, including non-Q members – who should register as a guest first, and can then join).