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Special Interest Group

Video consultations: how to set them up well, fast?

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  • Jo Scott posted an update 3 years, 2 months ago

    Hi everyone – I wanted to share some resources that the research team at the University of Oxford have updated on their website to support video consulting – there are a number of patient-facing resources translated in different languages and accessible for BSL users.

    They…Read more

  • Does travel required to pick up prescriptions increase the carbon footprint of video-consultations in primary and secondary care? Listen to this short video clip [1:30 minutes] to find out more and let us know about your thoughts and experiences. How is your experience the same? How does it differ?

    To join more conversations like this visit us…Read more

    • Key points:

      Many secondary care physicians do not prescribe in outpatients but ask primary care colleagues to prescribe.

      In primary care nearly all prescriptions are transmitted to pharmacies electronically saving printing materials and travel between the practice and the pharmacy for patients and staff.

  • A couple of nice blogs by AHPs talking scale-up in use of Near Me video appointments
    AHP Scot site, 29 March 2021
    Allied Health Professions, The Champions of Near Me – For AHPs across health and social care. (
    AHPs use of Near Me and the impact, Marc Beswick.

    “My hope is that as more and more AHPs continue to use Near Me this wil…Read more

  • What are the benefits and impacts of using digital systems in healthcare
    Listen to Ben Tongue, Head of Sustainability at NHS Digital, discuss this in our 20-minute video. Please share your thoughts on the chat and if you’d like to be part of other conversations like this, come and join us in the Sustainable Healthcare SIG!

  • How do remote consulting and digital systems contribute to sustainable secondary care? [ 6 mins] Listen to Dr Shanti Vijayaraghavan & Jo Morris speak about this in the video here. Do share your thoughts on this topic, here on the chat. If you are interested in conversations like this come and join us in the Sustainable HealthcareSIG for more like…Read more

  • How do remote consulting and digital systems contribute to sustainable primary care? Listen to this 8 min video from Dr Andrew Appleton, Clinical Digital Lead & Chief Clinical Information Officer, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG…and tell us what you’re thinking and about your experience on this topic. If you are int…Read more

  • Jo Scott posted an update 3 years, 3 months ago

    Hi everyone – I thought you’d be interested to read this new blog from the research team at Oxford University evaluating the spread of video consultations. This blog provides interesting insight into a wide range of staff experiences. As it concludes: “there is unlikely to be a perfect recipe for how video consultations should be taken forward…Read more

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About this group

In response to Covid-19, the health system plans to rapidly expand the use of video consultations.

The aim of this group is to share practical learning, tips and challenges when introducing this complex service change, and to learn from existing evidence.

We want this space to be helpful in progressing your work, rather than competing with it.

This group is convened by Jo Scott

Active members

  • Photo of Robyn Lewes
  • Photo of Maria Dorthea Skov
  • Photo of Aimee Ferguson
  • Photo of Joriam Ramos
  • Photo of Bryan Jones
  • Photo of Matthew Hill
  • Photo of Karen Jenkins
  • Photo of Penny Pereira