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Special Interest Group

Decarbonisation within NHS Wales

The group is designed for those who want to discuss decarbonisation and related improvement ideas for Wales. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world saw amazing improvements in the environment to show us what is possible. Decarbonisation can lead to huge gains in preventing and reducing ill-health.

To post updates and access other group functionality, please log in. If you are not a Q member please create a guest account.

Latest group activity

  • Hilda Campbell MBE posted an update 1 year ago

    Link to new suite of resources to help nurture networks and those who support them can also be downloaded from document section of nurturing and weaving networks SIG page

    Follow up session planned 19/7 1-2 very informal, sharing how people have found them/any q…Read more

  • Katie Angus posted an update 1 year ago

    Hi all,

    Are you running improvement work that is having, or will have, a positive impact on carbon emissions? Do you want to celebrate and share your work with a wide audience across health and social care to breakdown silos and repetition? Look no further! Quality Improvement: Caring for People and Planet week is happening Monday 25 – Friday 2…Read more

  • Hilda Campbell MBE posted an update 1 year ago

    Today is world refill day This is a global day of action to reflect on how we can reduce plastic waste. The refill app helps people find places to top up water (especially important on hot days) Having top up stations within clinics and hospitals helps people stay hydrated and perhaps sponsorship for refill bottles helps…Read more

  • Hilda Campbell MBE posted an update 1 year ago

    Thank you so much for inviting me to the group. I look forward to connecting and exploring how I can be of service. I have developed a Jigsaw toolkit as a way of identifying issues across diverse stakeholders to find areas of commonality which can then help inform joint actions moving forwards. If the group would find it helpful for me to offer a…Read more

    • Thank you Hilda.
      Welcome to the group. I realised I was cross posting a fair amount of your posts in Sustainable Healthcare, so I thought I would invite you in.

    • Delighted to join and if there is anything practical I can do to help connect with other members please let me know e.g. run a workshop on using the Jigsaw lid 🙂

  • Andrew Ware posted an update 1 year ago

    Cross post from Sustainable healthcare:

    Today is clean air day 

    The link between air pollution and health is well documented,  we also need to consider indoor as well as outdoor air pollution. Clean air is also good for our mental health and wellbeing. What ideas do you have which ca…Read more

  • Andrew Ware posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    Cross posting from sustainable healthcare:- 

    If you have not seen this paper you might find it interesting, thanks to Maimie Thompson for sharing

    Virtual appointments—embracing the opportunity to reduce carbon emissions mustn’t widen health inequalities – BMJ, 22nd May 2023

    Virtual appointments can…Read more

  • Andrew Ware posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago


    I hope you are all keeping well.

    Welcome to the new members of the group. It’s been a fairly busy few months for me. If you are a Q Cymru member you will see the newsletter has had a refresh. If you are a member of the Welsh NHS and not receiving it, please let me know! You will need to be a full member, rather than a guest and now mi…Read more

  • Net Zero Clinical Care Conference: Abstract submission open

    A new conference on net zero clinical care is being launched this year on the 14th July.
    The call for abstracts is open until 5th April.

    The call for submissions is open to all healthcare providers (both clinicians and non-clinicians) based in the UK, including those from service…Read more

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About this group

This group is convened by Andrew Ware

The group is designed for those who want to discuss decarbonisation and related improvement ideas for Wales. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world saw amazing improvements in the environment to show us what is possible. Decarbonisation can lead to huge gains in preventing and reducing ill-health.

The group will follow a Critical Social Learning System (CSLS) framework (Bawden), to braid inspirational and experiential learning; taking concrete experiences, insights and reflections from members and explore active applications and experimentations. Members can expect constructive feedback, exposure to an array of tools and methods borrowed from other social learning, improvement and development lineages.

This group is convened by Andrew Ware

Active members

  • Photo of Joriam Ramos
  • Photo of Louise Smith
  • Photo of Will Oliver
  • Photo of Des Brown
  • Photo of Sue Goodfellow
  • Photo of Emily Payne
  • Photo of Frances Mortimer
  • Photo of Geraint Watts