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Sharon Skee Harrison

Improvement and Delivery Facilitator

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Image of 'Sharon Skee Harrison

Member's groups

  • Psychology for Improvement

    A fundamental principle of improvement science is to understand & influence human behaviour (Dr William Deming). Indeed, an understanding of the psychological factors underpinning human behaviour makes up one […]

  • Closing the gap: developing improvers for a complex world

    This group will offer a space to explore and share together practical techniques for supporting our inner journeys towards transformed individual capacities for real world impact (in health, communities, […]

  • Learning from Excellence

    Whilst it is important to learn from events where things have not gone well, the majority of healthcare interactions go safely. Despite this, we have focus the much of our learning about safety from adverse […]

  • Quality Improvement and the wellbeing of the workforce

    People who work in health and social care systems and organisations matter too, they only have so much energy. What good practice tools, resources and ideas can we share to help those working in health and social care know, they are cared about and their wellbeing matters too?
  • Coaching Improvement

    This group’s aim is to support Q members and organisations to embed a coaching model and approach to quality improvement at a local level.

    Improvement coaches are a crucial component of the dosing model, […]