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Katharine Hunter

Cancer Patient Pathway Project Manager

Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Image of 'Katharine Hunter

Member's groups

  • Clinical Audit in Quality Improvement

    This SIG will look at best practice in national clinical audit, and how to ensure clinical audit is used as an effective part of quality improvement both nationally and locally.

  • Learning from Excellence

    Whilst it is important to learn from events where things have not gone well, the majority of healthcare interactions go safely. Despite this, we have focus the much of our learning about safety from adverse events, […]

  • Co-production

    In co-produced health care, organisations work with people who use services, carers and communities in equal partnership. It’s easy to do it wrong and quite hard to get it right, but it isn’t rocket science, and […]

  • Complexity Approaches to support Quality Improvement

    This group will consider the impact of emerging theories around complex systems – such as complex responsive processes, Dialogic OD and systems thinking – on how we approach quality improvement. It will also foc […]

  • Making use of patient experience

    Do we over-measure patient experience? Are we helped by the Friends and Family Test, CQC patient surveys, NHS Choices star ratings, Patient Opinion snapshot comments, local Healthwatch reports, Trust and CCG […]

  • Measurement for Improvement

    Are you interested in how we can make the best use of data to inform decision-making and take appropriate action?  Are you frustrated that two point comparisons and RAG reports continue to dominate much of the […]

  • Evaluation

    Appropriate good quality evaluation is essential component of quality improvement. This group has been set up to link members who have experience, expertise and an interest in the evaluation of quality improvement. […]

  • Lean Healthcare

    Lean continues to become increasingly popular in health. This group will exchange information on current thinking and discuss ideas on the application and adaption of Lean thinking to the health care sector. Join […]

  • Process Visualisation in the NHS

    This SIG will look at identifying and documenting, in flow chart format, process management in the NHS, both clinical and administrative processes are addressed. The structure of the Process Visualization set will […]

  • Sustainable Healthcare

    Sustainability is a domain of quality in healthcare. Sustainable value considers patient and population outcomes against environmental, social and economic costs (the ”triple bottom line”). Sustainable value can be […]

  • South West Q

    A group for Q members in the South West to communicate, share and learn with and from each other.
    This group is supported by Jen Ellis.