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Hesham Abdalla's activity

In group: Co-production

Image of 'Hesham Abdalla
  • Hesham Abdalla posted an update in the group Co-production 2 months ago

    Hi All,

    We’re currently refining our QI Exchange proposal “Making the invisible visible” which includes development of a Human Library of lived experience, and the team are seeking your advice, given your interest in co-production:

    Engagement Plan

    Given the complexity of engaging with local communities, particularly those from minority ethnic groups where language and cultural barriers may exacerbate challenges, does your team currently have an engagement plan in place? If so, could you share the key components and strategies of your plan? How does it aim to effectively reach and involve these communities in our project?”

    Information and Support Gaps

    In the context of our project’s focus on increasing healthcare accessibility and addressing clinic non-attendance, we are exploring the gaps in existing information repositories. Could you highlight any specific areas where you’ve found information to be lacking or where additional support is needed in co-designing solutions? Where do you typically turn for help or resources when faced with these gaps?