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Caroline Poole

Deputy Clinical Director and Head of Allied Health Professions (Improving Care)

NHS England and Improvement

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  • Caroline Poole posted a new activity comment 4 years, 7 months ago

    hello everyone and thanks for the update Matthew! Great to see that so many of you will be at the event on Wednesday and I’ll look forward to meeting you. I’m really keen to continue the discussion Naomi started in the summer; exploring our shared purpose – what do we want this group to be; what would successful as a member of this group look…Read more

  • hi everyone,
    Are there any orthotists in the group or other AHPs working closely with orthotics colleagues? I’m half-way through running an improvement collaborative, we have 18 in-house orthotics providers in the group and it would be lovely to connect anyone on here with the work, if they’re not already. What’s really interesting is the…Read more

  • hi Naomi,
    Really looking forward to tonight’s call – we all love a PDSA don’t we! It’s my first time using Zoom too, so something new to look forward to.
    I’m really looking forward to us all connecting on the call – thank you so much for taking a lead to get us to start thinking about what we could do together as a community of AHP improvers -…Read more

  • WOW – 64 members and rising each week! Are any of you coming to this year’s Chief Allied Health Professions Officer’s Conference tomorrow? Would love to chat with you if so. I’d really like to hear your thoughts about how this group could raise the profile of QI amongst AHPs and also how we can support AHPs to seen as leaders in the field. Come…Read more

  • I’m soon going to be working on the production of 4 ‘Quick Guides’; these are a collection of great, impactful practice and are intended to showcase to the system what AHPs can do….we did one last year around AHPs in urgent and emergency care and it massively helped raise the bar on expectations and opportunities for AHPs to be part of…Read more

    • These 4 ‘Quick Guides’ sound great. Make sure that Q retweets about them, when they are live 🙂
      If you need more help to find the right QI project examples, I can retweet a request about that too.

  • Caroline Poole posted a new activity comment 5 years ago

    Exciting! I wonder if you can share your journey to join Q with other members on here? Would be fabulous to see the AHP community within Q growing 🙂

  • Hi everyone, it’s great to see some familiar names/faces and some new ones too in our newly formed group! Thanks to those who’ve helped to set this up, we’re hoping for a tweetchat in the upcoming weeks and to explore how we can benefit from joining together. If you’re not already, why not think of joining the Q Community to get even more…Read more

    • Hi Caroline – a tweetchat sounds like a great idea. If you need any help with promoting it, do let me and the Q team know.
      And do add the tweet-chat to the Q Community calendar of events, for more visibility. We also put those events in the monthly Qmunicate newsletter.
      Here’s the form for adding events:…Read more

    • Hi Caroline,
      Thanks for getting the ball rolling with this. I am looking forward to connecting with fellow AHP QI enthusiasts!

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