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Amy Igweonu

Head of QI

South East Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust

Image of 'Amy Igweonu
  • Maria Dorthea Skov posted an update in the group Improving Joy in Work 1 month ago

    Wishing you all a joyful weekend and hope to see you at the Curiosity Collective session on Monday at 12:00-12:45. 

    We will discuss and map QI tools for the different stages of a Joy in Work project – design, implementation, sustaining, measuring etc. The aim is for this to become a useful (and growing) resource for the group and we’re hoping yo…Read more

  • Julia Wood posted an update in the group Improving Joy in Work 1 month ago

    How to collect employee feedback

    This is always a topic of debate when talking about Joy in Work. This article, published by Forbes, discusses how to do this effectively.

    What is suggested may seem like common sense, but time and time again we don’t see these happening, so it is definitely worth a read.

  • Joriam Ramos posted an update in the group Q Reading Club 1 month ago

    🌔Culture-shift is big topic—but does it have to be complicated?🌖

    Join us for our next event, Relationship-focus: How to Build a Wellbeing Culture, and discover how to use Appreciative Conversations to drive sustainable culture shifts and enhance patient processes.

    📌 Sep 23rd, noon – Register here

    Together, we’ll explore the vital role of t…Read more

    • Welcome to the SIG Lynsey! There’s loads going on in September you may like to pop in your diary – a Curiosity Collective session on Monday 9 September 12pm – bring your lunch and a coffee and we’re having an online chat about QI tools to help start a Joy in Work intervention.

      Then on 26 September (12pm) there’s a session on “What can you do if…Read more

    • Hi John
      Thank you very much for the welcome, I have signed up for the psychological safety session and am looking forward to attending. I hope you week is going well.

  • Julia Wood posted an update in the group Improving Joy in Work 1 month ago

    How much we enjoy our job often depends greatly on the relationships we have with our colleauges. Here’s an interesting question: Do you know if your colleauges actually like you? Learn more about the ‘liking gap’ here:

  • Adrian Plunkett’s latest Learning from Excellence newsletter mentions an interesting Safety-II Zoom on Friday…

    Adrian Plunkett’s latest newsletter – Friday’s Zoom looks good…!

    To members of the LFE community,

    I hope all is well and you have managed to get some rest and sunshine over the summer.  We have recently returned from a…Read more

  • Matthew Mezey posted an update in the group Measurement for Improvement 1 month ago

    Reminder: midday today – ‘Q connect’ quick networking to meet other members

    ‘That was super-useful, loved it – 25 best minutes of the week‘ – said participant Sharon Skee-Harrison.
    Join Q’s Connect Zoom on Monday – for quick fun chats with 3 other Q members.
    Sharon enjoyed it so much she’s already had follow-up chats with two of the people she ta…Read more

  • Julia Wood posted an update in the group Improving Joy in Work 1 month ago

    10 early actions the government can take to improve NHS working conditions

    Published by The King’s Fund (on 22.08.24 and then revised on 28.08.24) this briefing makes an interesting read.


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