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Cristian Jesus Figueredo Martinez's activity

In group: Frailty QI

Image of 'Cristian Jesus Figueredo Martinez
  • Cristian Jesus Figueredo Martinez posted an update in the group Frailty QI 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Hi everyone, I would like to introduce myself to all of you.

    I am an Advanced Clinical Practitioner passionate about Geriatric medicine and Frailty, also QI and technology.

    We are just about to open an Acute Frailty Unit in our Trust if you have any ideas/suggestions that we could implement or if any of the Frailty wards that are fully operative that can give us some tips for success.

    We want to reduce the length of stay and aim for a patient to stay maximum 2-3 days on our unit as we would like to create a fast turnaround from ED to Frailty then home, so we can prevent patient deconditioning and all the subsequent things that are related to it.

    Happy to be part of this group’!