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In group: Improving Joy in Work

Image of 'Julia Wood
  • Julia Wood posted an update in the group Improving Joy in Work 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Hi everyone

    I have attended so many back-to-back virtual meetings over the past few weeks that it makes my head hurt just thinking about it. Even Microsoft says it’s bad for our health – see image at the end of this post. 

    Also, Hilda Campbell shared this every interesting article which is well worth a read – thank you Hilda!

    Do you have any strategies for managing the number of meetings you attend?





    • Ooh, this is definitely something that occupies my mind!

      2008 NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement found that:
      *28% of meetings were reviewed or kept to an agenda
      *36% of attendees were observed making a contribution
      *27% of meetings start on time
      *18% of meetings end on time

      So here’s a few tips…
      1) From ensuring you and others set ‘speedy meetings’ as a default (25mins rather than 30, 50mins rather than an hour) to give a bit of breathing space between

      2)Through to piggy-backing necessary meetings onto other, established meetings

      3) Ensuring agenda items and papers are disseminated early, and prompt review prior to meetings so meetings can be used for decision-making

      4) A process of deciding the reason for the meeting – is it making decisions or creativity or just information giving, then deciding – could it be better in another format e.g. a virtual board (akin to Jamboard) which people can asynchronously contribute or an email

      5) Using Time to Think principles, to make meetings more collegiate and really get the value out of everyone in the room

      6) Regularly check the ToR and the remit for the meeting and ensure attendees are the most appropriate people to be there and constructively challenge where there is an issue

      7) Have agreed meeting etiquette, including – when online – time to check in at the beginning; and for all meetings that everyone is there on time, ready to contribute, not talking over people, don’t have side conversations (especially not in hybrid meetings)

      8) Ensure important business is always near the top of the agenda, to ensure best value (but not the first item in case people are running a bit late)

      9) Ensure there are clear actions/decisions and timescales, with named individuals responsible for completing these

      10) Complete a meetings matrix to work out how much time is spent daily/weekly/monthly on high/medium/low priority meetings

      • These stats are fascinating John!
        Thank you for the tips – there are some really good pointers here. This made me reflect that, particularly for regular meetings, we often just turn up rather than consider some of the actions you have recommended here.
        Thanks for sharing John – this is very helpful.