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In group: Decarbonisation within NHS Wales

Image of 'Andrew Ware
  • Andrew Ware posted an update in the group Decarbonisation within NHS Wales 7 months, 4 weeks ago

    Open access journal article: Tackling wicked problems in strategic management with systems thinking.

    Below is a paper from Sylvia Grewatsch , Steve Kennedy, and Pratima (Tima) Bansal. Through the lens of decarbonisation and climate change. they put forward an argument for taking a different ‘perspective’ to strategic management.

    Even if you aren’t involved in strategic management, there is something in there for those that wish to dip their toe into Systems Thinking, and I’d argue there are some elements of complexity in there too. 

    It is a relatively short read (right click when opened in Edge and hit read aloud and it should, start reading it for you, while you are doing something else – careful it will read page numbers and all). 
