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Elena Sheldon's activity

In group: Sustainable Healthcare

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  • Elena Sheldon posted an update in the group Sustainable Healthcare 2 years, 3 months ago

    Hi all,
    Quick intro – my name is Elena and I am the Project Manager of the AWARE-IBD project funded by the Health Foundation. The aim of the project is to re-design IBD services, shaped by those who use them – people with Crohn’s and Colitis. We’re working with the Sheffield Microsystems Coaching Academy (MCA) to implement, measure/evaluate, and (importantly) sustain improvements to the service.
    Look forward to joining in this forum.

    • Hi Elena, sounds like great work! I am a GP looking at healthcare pathways from the perspective of heart failure patients. I have one day a week for a year, for this project and am spending Jan/Feb planning the work. Would it be helpful to you to have a chat? I imagine that the principles of listening and co-creation are similar although the diseases are quite different. My particular interest is in what people want from the digital and non-digital resources on offer, and what can enable them to do as much self-care as they want to.
      Best wishes, Sarah

    • Hi Sarah,
      Thanks for your message. It would be great to get your perspective on quality improvement with a chronic disease population. We’re also looking at inter-agency quality improvement – that is, getting GPs involved, rather than just Sheffield Teaching Hospitals – specifically on the matter of delayed diagnosis and avoiding emergency admissions. Do you want to drop me an email ( and we can set up a meeting?
      Thanks again and best wishes,