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Millie Love's activity

In group: Network Weaving

Image of 'Millie Love
  • This is so helpful, thank you. I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the chat during the webinar, but now I know I can get it presented in this way afterwards I feel a lot less pressure to keep up with it all at the time and can focus on the presenters.

    • Thanks for the post. We did get feedback from a few others who also found the chat overwhelming to track at the same time that the presentation was happening. We will continue to experiment and see what works for the most people. Feel free to volunteer to clean up the raw chat notes in the future. Everyone can always save the chat notes to their own computer AND this part time Hilda stepped forward as offered the gift of doing the curating/synthesis for us all. Actually i know MaryCate had offered too but Hilda beat her to it. Ah the blessings of community generosity.

      • Yes, hopefully if we say at the outset of our Zooms that everyone can just save the chat at the end to read in their own time – and that we hope to offer a brief curated version after too – then the people who find it a bit overwhelming will feel liberated, without feeling they’re missing out.
        Indeed… maybe everyone will feel liberated! 😉

    • I love the aspiration of feeling (experiencing) liberation. WOW