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In group: Evaluation

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  • Emma Gibbard posted an update in the group Evaluation 3 years, 8 months ago

    Resources for Adapting Evaluations in light of COVID-19

    Hi All,

    I do hope you are all well!

    I wondered if we could use this space to share any resources and tools that you have come across or used to support your evaluations in light of COVID-19? We could also share our experiences, challenges and successes with evaluation during this time. As well as identifying where we might be able to help each other and where there are gaps in support and resources.

    For example, some that I have come across or have been shared with me include:
    Rapid evaluation of digital health products during the COVID-19 pandemic –
    Inspiring Impact –
    Better evaluation blog posts on “adapting evaluation in the time of COVID-19” –

    It could be useful to collate these together as a resource to include in our documents folder for everyone to use.

    I hope you will find this useful, I know I would value hearing from you all.

    Take care,

    Best Wishes,


    • Thanks Emma. That digital health evaluation is particularly helpful for me at the moment as we consider digital solutions to support teaching and learning.

      Have you come across this excellent model from the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors:

    • We have been looking at service and technology innovations such as remote consultations using the tools described in

      We have also developed a related set of measures focusing on “Product Confidence”, covering how confident people (e.g. GPs) feel about using or recommending the use of specific tools and products. These have given some fascinating results, which we hope to publish fairly soon.

    • Thanks Emma.
      The links from the Inspiring Impact work are all really useful, and cover most of the organisations/resources I often turn to.

      This blog from Steve Miller on the Charity Evaluation Working Group website also resonates with me

      He talks about two really important principles to their approach: firstly, adopting a more developmental evaluation approach with regular learning loops build in between evaluators and delivery teams. And secondly conducting analysis out in the open, and sharing in real-time.

      While it was pre-COVID, we used a developmental approach with regular learning loops for the evaluation of the most recent Q Lab project. I found this to be a really helpful way to keep the evaluation on the team’s agenda, and ensure we had the insights and learning to inform our work. One challenge I would foresee in the current context is about forging time for the reflective time together, and making workshops work well remotely (which needs considered design of the virtual sessions). Tools like the Collaborate learning framework that Sharon shared above could make this easier though!

    • Thank you everyone, I will pull these together into a spreadsheet and add a few more that have come in. Do keep adding 🙂
      Take care,

      • Thanks Emma

        Evaluation Support Scotland offers ‘top tips’ for evaluating at a distance and includes a range of useful downloadable resources for capturing evidence including ideas for evaluating the process of change and capturing key evidence, learning and actions – Taking stock in a time of change

        These tools and other resources on the COVID-19 webpage can be adapted for use by others. However, Evaluation Support Scotland ask that we reference them when doing so.

        Also, East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) have developed useful resources including:

        • Quality impact assessment for service change during COVID-19
        • Shaping our future

        Their Quality Improvement webpages on virtual working offer a collection of stories, learning and recommendations from ELFT’s experience of practising virtual working methods since the outbreak of the pandemic, along with further guidance from others working virtually.

        And finally, it’s worth looking at the COVID-19 response pages on the NIHR ARC West COVID-19 website for studies on the use of digital health tools in primary care as the findings offer relevant learning for the current situation.