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Helen Meese's activity

In group: Sustainable Healthcare

Image of 'Helen Meese
  • Helen Meese joined the group Sustainable Healthcare 3 years, 10 months ago

    • Hi Helen,

      Welcome to the SIG, it’s great to have you here!

      It would be really interesting to hear a bit more about your interest in sustainable health care and what you’re hoping for in your membership of the community here?


    • hi Louise

      I am an engineer by profession and I run a company called The Care Machine ltd. Our mission is to support, startup, SME’s clinicians and researchers develop new ideas, concepts, products and services for the healthcare sector.
      I am passionate about ensuring that sustainability is built in to the very fabric of a product, and we work with our clients to embed through life, cradle to cradle processes into each step of the products development.
      I am keen to network with other like-minded people and to understand how I and thus my company can broaden our understanding of what the healthcare community needs.
      I look forward to discussing interesting topics with you. And of course if anyone needs any support I am always contactable. 👍