About Q talks
This is a listing of health and care improvement-related topics that community members have offered to give talks on, to interested audiences. If you’d like to organise a talk please contact the individual. Talks can be given face-to-face, or else choose a suitable online method.
If you choose to organise a talk and are happy for it to be open to all, we encourage you to live-stream it to a wider audience. Please then add it to the Q event listing to let other improvers know when it takes place.
Members: If you have a talk you would like to add please email details to:
Using Human-Centred Design in health and care
How does data turn into action and improvement?
Getting the Leadership Habit – Training 21st Century Physicians
How we developed a clinical academic careers pathway in the East Midlands
Using national audits to *really* improve care
Making quality improvement patient and family centred
The uses, pitfalls and possible futures of big data in quality improvement
QI in Public Health: Introducing QI to a smoking cessation service
Communities of Practice: Driving Improvement by Encouraging Collaboration (joint talk with Katherine Joel)
Stories from the west of England: Learning from large scale complex quality improvement projects across multiple organisations