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Steven (Steve) Shepherd

Founder and Director

Heartful Partners

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An ally to anyone wanting to tackle the obstacles that get in the way of good NHS improvement and innovation, in partnership with UK based health-tech and local communities.

Recently been invited to coach senior NHS leaders as part of the national NHS Future Vision programme.

I'm a data guy with an interest in behavioural change (where probability meets possibility).

Those who know me say I'm decent at facilitating teams to tackle complex change and helping people to think well.

I'm a fan of preventative action that puts the person at the centre of what we do.

Worked in the tech sector for over 30yrs (Intel, Unilever, KPMG Consulting, IBM/Microsoft partners, EMC/Dell, AI/data scale-up businesses and SAS Institute) mostly on data/analytics and large digital transformation projects, mostly in healthcare or wider public services.

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