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Sarah Tupper

CQUIN Quality Improvement Facilitator

East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust

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Having trained and practiced as a Registered Dental Surgery Assistant for a number of years I then completed a Degree with the Open University in order to pursue a career in Quality Improvement.  Since then I have progressed from being a Clinical Audit Facilitator to Enhancing Quality Co-ordinator and then managed the Clinical Audit Team for 4 years.  I am now responsible for ensuring that the National CQUINS are achieved which involves working with the teams on quality improvements and have also recently completed a MSP Foundation and Practitioner Course. I am also involved in Patient Safety Programmes, National Improvement initiatives and Leadership Programmes.  Collaborative working to me is the key to producing an effective, efficient NHS during these challenging times and any community that has this as its priority is one that I am proud to be part of.

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