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Nikki Davey's activity

In group: Coaching Improvement

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  • Nikki Davey commented on the document What is QI coaching? session summary, slides and MURAL page in the group Coaching Improvement 2 months, 1 week ago

    I’m really sorry I missed most of this session – great to see the conversations and hope I can engage more fully next time.

    I am also curious about this sentence below (lifted from the overarching notes) –
    ‘We think Advising, signposting and mentoring/teaching is for people that do not have QI knowledge/experience’

    Myself and the people who work with me have taught and mentored hundreds of peolpe to complete QIPs over several years. We share 100’s of examples on our website and this year have 24 posters accepted at the BMJ/IHI Forum – all with run charts and multiple PDSA cycles (often in series). I have personally observed the difference in outcomes when people train others in QI without deep QI knowledge and experience of doing QI themselves – and can honestly say the difference is like night and day.

    So I’m interested in this statement and would really appreciate a conversation with anyone who attended this session so that I can learn more about the origins of this thought. If I have quoted out of context or just not fully understood – happy to be corrected too 🙂

    Happy to have the convo here or by ZOOM/TEAMS whichever suits
    Many thanks Nikki Davey

    • Hi Nikki. I think this quote comes from the chat reply following a breakout room where the question was “what does qi coaching mean to you?”. I believe they are agreeing with you though! I.e. They are saying that teaching and mentoring can be a powerful tool for enabling improvements, aside from coaching. Hopefully one of the people in the breakout can clarify!

    • Thanks Sid that’s helpful
      I liked the table on mentoring and coaching. I’m interested in exploring these two terms more. And wondering if it depends on the ultimate goal/ambition for the target audience?