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Nikki Davey's activity

In group: Building improvement capability across boundaries

Image of 'Nikki Davey
  • Nikki Davey posted an update in the group Building improvement capability across boundaries 3 years, 7 months ago

    Hi All – last year the Clinical Human Factors Group (chfg) ran a workshop with the Q community called ‘Enhancing the science of improvement for patient safety – taking the next step with Human Factors in Healthcare’. We brought together people who had an interest in QI, Human Factors and Patient Safety. You can find a summary of what we did and what we learnt at this link
    Please take a look at the next steps (page 20) and let us know if there are areas listed that you are already exploring in your group. As a Trustee of chfg I can be a connection point/bridge between their work and all the Q community groups who share an interest in Human factors.
    Please do share this link with others who might be interested.