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Lesley Goodburn (She/Her)

Experience of Care Lead Clinical Programmes

NHS England

Image of 'Lesley Goodburn
  • Dear all, we need your support to transform patient care! Please vote for our project, “Reducing Inequalities in Wound Care for Our Vulnerable Population,” in the Q Exchange funding round starting tomorrow (Wednesday, 29 May 2024). You can find our project her…Read more

  • Dear all, we need your support to transform patient care! Please vote for our project, “Reducing Inequalities in Wound Care for Our Vulnerable Population,” in the Q Exchange funding round starting tomorrow (Wednesday, 29 May 2024). You can find our project her…Read more

  • Appreciation 

    I just wanted to say thank you for being introduced to liberating structures via Q. Later today I am facilitating a workshop on the barriers to volunteering and we will be using TRIZ to help us understand what may get in the road of someone choosing to volunteer. The wealth of materials shared for free on the LS site and the chance…Read more

    • Wonderful, and thanks Hilda for sharing your experience with the LS community! I hope it was a fruitful TRIZ workshop?

    • Thanks, the energy in the session and the discussion was so fruitful we decided to arrange another session to explore further this Thursday so sorry cant make LS session with Q colleagues, looks to be a really interesting one, sorry to miss it

  • Dan Harley posted an update in the group Evaluation 1 month ago


    Help us transform patient care by voting for our “Connect and Collaborate” project! From Wednesday 29 May 2024, Q members will be able to choose the Q exchange projects they want to see funded. Please consider our project and cast your vote. Your support can significantly impact improving patient feedback and care. Our innovative…Read more

  • Hello,

    Help us transform patient care by voting for our “Connect and Collaborate” project! From Wednesday 29 May 2024, Q members will be able to choose the Q exchange projects they want to see funded. Please consider our project and cast your vote. Your support can significantly impact improving patient feedback and care. Our innovative…Read more

  • Hi folks, 

    For all of you who are intending to vote in this years Q Exchange, I would encourage you to consider the submission from Dr Sinead Hannan and myself; Seasons of Life: Nurturing Resilience – Connecting Systems to Support Children’s Grief Journey.

    We think it is something really worth while.  If you’d like to learn more check out the p…Read more

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