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Kate Pryde's activity

In group: Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers)

Image of 'Kate Pryde
  • Kate Pryde posted an update in the group Delivering Virtual Training (#ConnectingImprovers) 3 years, 11 months ago

    Just a quick update ran session this morning and used the Peg Solitaire game – worked brilliantly. Got them to create a SMART aim and then annotate PDSA for each cycle. Used liberating structures tool ,1/2/4/all, with breakout rooms accordingly, to debrief and they drew out fantastic applications for their improvement Will use the data from their tests in next session to talk about variation etc.
    Feedback was loved how simple game was really engaging and they didn’t realise they could learn so much. They also like the competition element!
    Thank you so much Paula Ryeland 🙂
    Happy to speak with anyone it might be helpful for

    • Hi All

      I am trying to find the link to the peg solitaire game and how to use it in PDSA – can anyone help please 🙂

    • I am also interested in the peg soliatire game. Please share instructions and debrief questions. Thanks!

    • Apologies super busy. No it’s not the one in IHI it’s just solitaire.
      This is the link I used but is lots on line:
      I am not sure how I can share PP slides but this is my instructions:
      Aim of game is to be left with single ‘peg’ in the centre of the board
      Create a table – two columns one for game number and 2 with ‘number of pegs remaining’
      Play the game once – record your score in ‘game 1’
      Agree SMART aim . . .
      PDSA to improve – note findings

      I reiterated having mentioned PDSA earlier:
      Plan: What are your questions and predictions?
      Do: play the game! Describe what happened. What observations did you make
      Study: Analyze the results and compare them to your predictions. Summarise and reflect
      Act: Based on what you learnt make plan for next step

      Debrief – which I did using 1/2/4/all liberating structures method with online breakout rooms:
      what did you learn?
      how can you apply it in practice?

      Hope that is helfpul

    • There seems to be hundreds of versions out there- just google online peg solitaire. There’s one at coolmathgames; one at… I found some were blocked by the Trust network so worth trying out the different versions to see which works for you. Unfortunately, I discovered that one website had been fine at 6pm the evening before but my 9am, couldn’t be accessed! Luckily as it was virtual training; everyone just used their phones so I got away with it! After 1 attempt, I got everyone to share how many they had left and then said the aim was to reduce by 2 pegs in the next 5 mins. This made everyone a bit competitive! Afterwards, I go back to the three questions and asked them to answer it for this activity:
      1) What were you trying to achieve?
      2) How did you know when it improved?
      3) What did you try that led to an improvement (they had all tried a strategy on the game so discussed this)

      We then relate this to a QI project.