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Joanne Gregory

Medical devices nurse specialist

Blackpool Teaching hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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Member's groups

  • Quality Improvement and the wellbeing of the workforce

    People who work in health and social care systems and organisations matter too, they only have so much energy. What good practice tools, resources and ideas can we share to help those working in health and social care know, they are cared about and their wellbeing matters too?
  • Network Weaving

    A group space for people interested in learning about Network Weaving, and developing their skills.
  • Tools and resources to help support Networks and Network leaders

    Having access to a suite of resources and a dedicated space for learning and sharing with peers is immensely beneficial for Network Leaders. In the fast-paced and ever-evolving field of healthcare, staying informed and connected is crucial. A collaborative environment fosters not only professional growth but also innovation and creativity, which are key to improving healthcare systems and outcomes. By pooling our collective knowledge and experiences, we can co-create solutions that are both dynamic and value-driven.
  • Impact and power of storytelling in health

    This group is convened by Lesley Goodburn.

    This a group to explore the use of storytelling in healthcare looking at the use of stories in improvement as well as therapeutic interventions. The group will look […]