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Ian Beange

Principal Medical Physicist (Computing & Quality Systems)

NHS Highland

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  • Ian Beange posted a new activity comment 6 months ago

    There certainly is. For many years people contracted Quality Management System to ‘Quality System’ (likely still do) it should always have been ‘Management System’. Yes, we can try to improve matters by incorporating control of Quality Planning, Quality Control and Quality Improvement processes into the system to make them business as usual, but…Read more

    • Thanks Ian. I do agree that some simple, ‘every day’ processes do not need to be documented – thanks for pointing that out.

    • Also Ian I see this style of mapping and documenting processes as a forerunner to modelling and documenting processes for IT developments. Once the processes have improved and matured IT developers will have a much better understanding if the process with much reduced variation.

  • Ian Beange posted a new activity comment 8 months ago

    “The only way that you learn from error is by changing what you do.”
    I’m not sure that is absolutely true Tom. You must certainly be prepared to change what you do, but that needs to be preceded by critically examining what happened & as you say knowing what & how you expect to do it. The first part is hopefully relatively easy, but in the…Read more

  • Ian Beange posted a new activity comment 8 months ago

    “A QMS should be capable of producing a Fiat 500 as well as a Bentley Continental, whilst QI is trying to create the Bentley from the baseline of a Fiat500.”
    Of course that has the assumption that the Bentley Continental is a higher ‘quality’ vehicle to the Fiat 500.
    If I were driving them down narrow Italian streets one would likely be of higher…Read more

  • Ian Beange posted a new activity comment 8 months ago

    Not to be dismissive; far from it, I’d love to see this take off. We’ve seen something like this in BS EN 15224 (which still appears current) although it always ran a version behind ISO BS 9001.
    The real question being what is likely to make 7101 any more popular than 15224?
    Most departments at least with an interest / requirement have already…Read more

    • It needs radical change and the complexity is a huge endeavour in current climate. Ultimately all these are great standard if resourced adequately and executed properly.

    • The new standard is a lot more straight forward than 15224. 34 pages compared with 83. It still required process documentation though. My solution to that is NHS Standard Process. This is the starting point for an NHS QMS.

    • IT projects and NHS Standard Process go together like a horse and carriage or even love and marriage. Building a Process Model from NHS Standard Process will be a simple task.

  • Ian Beange's profile was updated 1 year, 11 months ago

  • Ian Beange posted a new activity comment 1 year, 11 months ago

    Been doing process based audits for years now Sam, initially didn’t realise that’s what we were doing.
    Happy to talk, Ian

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